There are those who do, then there are those who teach and then there are those who sell how they sell...

in #life8 years ago (edited)

They say that those who can't do, teach.

And it's usually spoken in such a negative way, as if teaching is bad; as if those who can't do are totally incapable of great things.

Well I disagree.

I think teaching is awesome.

If you have a passion for it, go for it.

If you have a desire to teach others because you want to guide them, especially the young, more power to you then you noble person you.

Heck, not all can teach.

Just because you're super knowledgeable or successful doesn't mean you possess the ability to pass down information, much less guide people to be the best they can be.

That's why I think teachers are the most underappreciated class today.

They're the unsung heroes. 

Teaching is not just okay. It's great.

What isn't great or okay at all... are the assholes who simply make a living from selling how they sell their bullshit.

Read that again: Selling how THEY sell.

All under the guise of being a teacher. 

They're neither doing nor teaching. They're just copying, and preying. 

This is very prevalent in the internet marketing world.

These are the guys in the "Make money online" niche. 

They use every tactic possible to make sure you buy their crap. 

It's very subtle, but if you look deeper, you will know that they're not selling anything real. You just have to sift through their sales pitch, which is made up of lies and tired cliches.

So go forth and do if you're a doer; an artist.

Express yourself. Create art. Don't stop.

Love teaching? Great then.

Guide the young. Help people become their best. 

Are you just here to exploit people and bank on every loophole just so you can make money?

Fuck off.



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