Sometimes the sole, entrepreneur life of awesomeness ain't so awesome after all...

in #life8 years ago

As I am writing this now, I've just finished a 6-event at a local convention center.

My cousin works in the company which organized the event and I was hired to help them out. It was a simple job of registering speakers of the event.


So for the last six days, my entire life experienced an upheaval.

I stopped being my entrepreneurial-self.

I didn't have much time to write.

I didn't have the mental capacity to dish out art as I was too tired whenever I got home.

I had to push aside my introvert side as I had to engage with people.

And yeah, I had a major lack of sleep.

And it was frigging awesome.

The overrated idea of being an entrepreneur which is not super cool sometimes

 Here's what successful entrepreneurs out there like to tell you:

- Being your own boss is the best.

- Find your passion, find a job or create a business out of it and you would feel like you wouldn't have to work a single day in your life.

- Quit your job because life is too short to be a cubicle junkie or whatever.

- Never care about what others think.

- People who work the 9-5 are of a lower class.

- Money is not everything.

Well, here's what I, the struggling entrepreneur/writer who's been working from home for years have to say:

- Passionate people are problematic as fuck

Take it from me. I am a passionate dude and I've a bunch of issues.

Passion is an extreme idea, meaning we have this "all or nothing" mentality with it, towards life.

We cannot settle. 

And that's not all good sometimes.

We ought to give some leeway towards other issues in life. Not everything can go our way all the time, and that should be okay.

- Being your own boss can be scary and lonely

Yes. It's scary and lonely. It's a real, crazy feeling when you have to call the shots on your own.

It's good to have support. That's why a company only works well when all its workers do their job and cooperate.

So when you hear people saying how they're their own boss and stuff, it's really nothing much to brag about.

- People who choose to work a job could be happier than you

Because they get to interact with others.

Because they're satisfied and not greedy.

I find that personally, being alone at home makes me think too much and that's when all the negative thoughts come about. 

The last 6 days was a good breather as I got to laugh, interact and exchange friendly banter with my friends.

- You have to care about what others think to some extent

Otherwise you're a deluded fuck.

- Money is not everything, but it's still important

Because it makes life that much easier and we need it to survive.

Entrepreneurs who say money is not important are already too rich to care about the small picture, which is big to a lot of us.

- Success doesn't bring happiness

It's the other way around.

So just do it your own way and find out what works for you.

Never let the seemingly successful dictate to you what you should do.

They could be very unhappy and you'd be surprised how many of them there are out there.

So just do shit you want, even if it means that it's not something you love.

Just work with it. Just wing it. Do what you have to do.

You're doing fine.



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