It's not going to make any fucking sense and that's how you become better

in #life7 years ago

For a long time I held on to my anger because to me, my anger made sense.

It was a place where there was justice.

It was a zone where things made sense.

It was a feeling which empowered me.

It was a time where I get to call the shots.

However, that effectively meant me ruminating over and over in my head about revenge fantasies. 

And it felt shitty.

Of course, none of these fantasies ever came true since I am a law-abiding citizen.

I ended up breaking a ton of shit at home.

One day, I just got tired of it and realized there's only one solution, and that is to simply let go.

Letting go sounds cliched, obvious, trite and hard, really hard.

It also doesn't even fucking make sense.

Letting go means they get away with it.

Letting go means forgiving when you don't really want to.

Letting go means not getting your justice.

Letting go means doing all the work by yourself.

Letting go means erasing everything that meant something to you to create an unknown future.

It doesn't matter if it makes sense or not.

You just need to let go. You have to, whether you like it or not.

The most successful people in life let go all the time.

The happiest people are always looking forward to something new.

The people at peace are at peace, in which they understand it doesn't have to make sense.

I hope you can let go and make sense out of that at least.


I love it. I want this to be required reading. I was trying to explain to someone today the idea of letting something go... Even if the other person (circumstances) were wrong.

He wasn't able to hear it.

It took a long time for me, but yeah, letting go can be tough.

In my case, everyone else was always wrong.

Eventually, you realize right and wrong really don't matter.

I like your words
it make some sense

The hardest enemy I have ever confronted is myself, and I think that applies to most people.

In my childhood I was inculcated that I can achieve everything I wanted in case I did enough effort, and I think this is true for all occidental cultures. And that is a terrible idea.

It is great to focus at following a dream with determination. However not everything is possible, and it is important to know when you should give up or frustration may make you crazy.

You're talking about when to give up during pursuit, and that's a form of letting go too.

I think it was Seth Godin who talked about this heavily yeah? Some dreams shouldn't be pursued.

Exactly ...let the time handle the situation ..we must not think that letting go means losing everything..its tough as you cannot ignore everything...but I think ,still we must try it..thanks for sharing .

You got that right.

Tough, but do it anyway.

Champions do it anyway.

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