I choose to see the love in it and maybe you should too

in #life7 years ago

I am 32 and sometimes I borrow money from my mom. Sometimes she forks the bill when we have our meals outside too.

Because business has been a struggle, sometimes I am unable to give her money.

Oh and did I mention I still live with her?

Many people probably look down on me and criticize me for being a useless son or something, being so "old" and all, but yet not fulfilling what society expects out of every dude, which is to always give back to our parents, move out and never, ever ask for money again.

I'd admit, sometimes I'd feel very pressured.

But really ultimately, I don't care.

I choose to see the love in it.

My dad died 10 years ago so I just want to be with her.

When my mom and I talk about money, we exchange friendly banter along the way.

That's love to me. 

I think we all have the rest of our lives to act out a role in society.

But the choice to be who you really want to be must be made today.

So what if others look down on you?

Live the person you're meant to be, especially if it gives more love to others before it's too late.

I'd give anything to talk to my father again.


Good job @aldentan
I salute you. do what you think is right

Thanks! I appreciate that.

You are welcome

To thine own self be true.

If you and your Mum are happy screw what others may say. Love is impossible to put a price on anyway

Thank you so much for sharing all this information! that's great! All the best! Waiting for more posts! :)

Your post really touched my heart, and yes wether you're earning or not, in my point of view it's hard for one to live without his mom. I'm sure she's proud of you and you guys look nice man 👌

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