Today Is My Birthday: Should I Rock?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Sometimes I don't know how to react to this day

When you are a kid birthdays are cool because usually comes with a special and tangible celebration of the day. Toys, cake and party can be a soul candy during young ages. After the flashy childhood my perception of the anniversary of my birth comes with weird analysis and feelings. 

Am I getting old? Or just reaching enough age to do whatever I want?

I know some people think this is a youngsters dilemma, but I've seen people of all ages and situations going through the same thought.  When we are young we are attached to many rules design by the family and education system. Walking the journey of adulthood, a path that comes with several interrogations, answered only by the experience itself. Yes, getting old means saying goodbye to some things, but discovering new ones. 

When I was a kid sometimes I was desperate to grow old so I could have the independence to do things I wanted to do. That happens to everybody, when little to get notice by the elders, when teens to rebel the authority, and then to be able to live everything we want. So when do we loose that feeling? When the trade of years and experience for  youth feels to pricey? 

I think I'm still ok with my age, grasping the sweetness of youth but carrying some bags of experience on my shoulder. Sometimes I have my battles with time and how fast it goes, how unnoticeable fades into memories leaving a weird sleepy feeling. Mixing reality with my own perception of it, my story jumps backs and forward according my stories.  

Today Is My Birthday! ... So what?

I like the idea of celebrating my birthday, don't get me wrong, but should I desperately make this day some sort of special treatment day just because I'm supposed to.  Today I actually feel like having just a free day, I want to rest, maybe just play video games. Maybe is the social fun what makes the anxiety of making this a relevant day.  For me or for the rest? Is it a social thing? Like flagging my existence to my surroundings so I can get attention? ... feels like a Facebook plot, when likes are the new currency for the sanity of the ego. 

Should I stay or should I rock?

I'm happy, it is my free day at work and I live on sub tropical island in Brazil, summer is here and today seems like a good excuse to have fun. I'm just not so sure if I should make everything possible in my hand to have a blast or just go with the flow and enjoy the little tings. 

What do you think?

Thanks for reading. 





rock anyway!!! with all... small and big take it all. no choice necessary. after all you are free.....

Happy birthday man ! Rock it !

Thank you @africa !

Happy Birthday to you buddy! Go out and rock it! :D

Hey man late happy birthday I would say next year do whatever you feel like even if it means chilling or not really celebrating just whatever you feel like, thanks and upvoted back.

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