Black Friday Bollocks

in #life7 years ago

I've just been to a popular supermarket chain to buy some supplies as I have my daughter this weekend & I wouldn't want her thinking I survive on cheese on toast & beer. No, I can't tell you the name of the place....let's just say it begins with 'M' & ends in 'orrisons'.

Let me just say that the programming of the masses is working well. 10.30am on a Friday morning (normally a quiet time to shop) & the supermarket is crazy! People parking everyone, frenzy in the air. What were they all doing there? What was so interesting? It's all just tat, like the blue glittery polyester bathrobes for 'only £10' that I passed as I went in.

Christmas shopping fever always confuses me. How much food do people need? Surely there's just one or two big 'feasts' over the Christmas period... why is there a feeding frenzy for weeks & weeks?

And then the flip side of 'go on, treat yourself' is all the guilt & crash diet nonsense we'll get in January.

It just goes to show that, even when I think the mass media are losing their hypnotic power over the people, this is true only for relatively small numbers. For the rest it's just like Gurjieff said, most are walking around like unconscious robots most of their lives.


juanmiguelsalas Juanmi Un-Crypted tweeted @ 24 Nov 2017 - 11:17 UTC

Human Madness!…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

How did I not notice Black Friday until this year? Jon tells me that's how we got our TV cheap 4 years or so ago! Clearly, he noticed it at some point and went shopping!
Send it back where it came from. It is too random, sticking out in the middle of nowhere like a bare bottom without Thanksgiving to give it any structure or presence. And, I'm afraid it's just an earlier start to how sad I get over Christmas when I see the sheer scale of people's buying of plastic stuff that will be dumped out within 6 months into landfill. Always filled with mixed feelings and guilt about being 'humbug'. Personally, when I lived in the USA I much preferred Thanksgiving as it had all the good stuff about Christmas and none of the consumerism .... so they have to stick Black Friday on the end of it to be sure to capitalize somehow!

Have fun with E this weekend and she'll be glad of something other than pizza and beer I'm guessing!

I'm very happy this year I'm far away from all of this. Good luck people in surviving the xmass!

great article buddy

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