in #life6 years ago (edited)

As I promised from my last post ( ), I'll tell you all about the best field trip I went to when I was in highschool.

As a kid, I didn't go to many field trips from elementary up to when I was in highschool, mostly because I didn't nor did my parents have the budget to allow me to do so. It didn't really bother me since I'm already used to it and I don't really have a choice but to suck it up, but there were times when I thought to myself that I to would also like to be with my friends on a far away trip to wonderland.

Whenever there would be an incoming class field trip that the teacher in front will announce, I do my usual routine: listen, imagine then sleep, dream about what would it be like if I were there also. Pretty sad ain't it, no? But nonetheless, it was reality. It was already implanted in my mind that I can't go anywhere because I don't have money. But hey! look at the bright side. At least there were no classes that day... unless the teacher is also gonna stay behind because he's poor to. It came to a point where I had zero expectation that I would be on a field trip having fun with my friends... but it all changed when I was in my third year of highschool.

There were a series of events that led one thing to another. I didn't wish for it to happen but still I was thankful to God for granting me that opportunity. It all started a day before the trip. As usual our homeroom teacher stood there in front to remind the class about the nearing event (class filed trip) and as usual I was there staring at her forehead. When she announced that one of our classmates will not be able to join the trip (due to a foot and mouth disease) and that her dad's decision was to give the slot to one of her friends, she asked everybody in the room to raise their hand if she/he is a friend of her's and wants to take the slot. Luckily I was one of her friends.

All of them that raised their hands were girls... yep, I was the only boy who was "thick-faced" enough to raise a hand... and so we were called outside the room for an interview. There were only four of us. Three girls and one me.

The first question was," Are you all really willing to take the slot?", we answered yes.

Next question was,"Who among you were allowed by your parents to go to the field trip?"...

Forgive me for the abomination you're seeing...

luckily for me, I ask my parents a week before that day, that if I can go to this once in a lifetime field trip of mine. They answered, "If only we had money, then yes...", and I, again, lost all hope/expectation I have for that entire year. The two girls said no, they were not, and the other said she still haven't asked her parents. I, being the only one who had his parents permission, was given the slot.

It was one of the happiest moments of me life. Who knew I would be the one, "The Chosen One". I went home that day, smiling. Haha XD


I'll continue the story some other time again, lol.

I hope you enjoyed listening to my inner thoughts :3

Please don't forget to upvote and I hope you stay tuned to "akome254, the me within me..."

Thank you very much! ^ ^


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With a smile like that, you've already convinced me that it was the best trip ever! Hehehe.

Nice! xD

I think you already told me about that back at home. Anyways, Adri! Follow me back, will ya? 😂👍

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