By force or by choice, there will be change.

in #life5 years ago

Life can be turbulent. Things happen, circumstances change, and nothing ever stays the same. We can use our challenges as an opportunity to grow, learn, and evolve ourselves. We can use change to practice our adaptability.

Is our fear of change justified? At times, perhaps.

Should our fear stop us from moving forward in life? Absolutely not.

Image by Jeff Juit from Pixabay

If we want to wait to quell our fears, we may end up waiting forever. The more focus we give to our fears, the more our fears grow and multiply.

Everyone has fears. The difference is whether we hold our fears, or they hold us.

Step over your fear and into action. The more you practice this, the more often you practice this, the easier it will become.

You don’t have to start by making life-changing decisions. You can start small. Start by breaking out of your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to try something new. Or, do something in a new way. Do a little something new and different every day.

Develop a new relationship with fear. Yes, it may have been scary to do something different. But, was it so bad? Was it worth that much fear?

Reclaim your curiosity, your sense of adventure, and have some fun. Don’t take every moment of your life so seriously. Allow yourself to enjoy life.

You may think you don’t have the courage to act. But, courage is much like fear. If you want to wait until you have complete courage, you may end up waiting forever. If you allow it, the mind can think of a million excuses of why you can’t or shouldn’t.

Image by Юрий Урбан from Pixabay

Sometimes, you will act because you realize you must. Other times, you will face a choice. The choice is always the same: Attempt to stay where you are or move forward. But, the choice ‘to stay where you are’ never truly exists. Everything changes. Change is inevitable. The only difference is whether you make the decision of what you will do next, or whether life or circumstances will make that decision for you. Either way, the decision will always be made.

By force or by choice, there will be change.

If you want to build a successful life, learning to step over your fears and to act without courage is necessary. Nothing is a guarantee. Everything is a risk. There is no life without risk. Not even tomorrow is promised.

It comes down to realizing that you are the one who holds the power. You either use that power to step forward, or you can give that power away.

The more adaptable to change you become, the more you practice acting with fear and without courage, the less those will be a distraction to you. Instead of being clouded by fear, worry, and stress, you will be able to see beyond. You will see new opportunities, new potential, both in the moment and in yourself. You will no longer stand in your own way. You will no longer be allowing fear to confine your potential.

Stop letting fear take over your life. Reclaim your life. Reclaim your power. You deserve to live life to the fullest!

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