Knowledge is Light | Islam and Knowledge

in #life6 years ago

Hello dear friends I am again here on steemit platform with a wonderful post so let's see what I want to show.

Knowledge is Light

“God gives dignity and makes high in rank those of you who believe, and those who are given knowledge." (The Holy Quran)
“Seek knowledge though you may have to travel to China." (Hazrat Muhammad (SAW))

Man ls the central figure of the universe. When he is equipped with knowledge he proves to be a wonder. Knowledge strengthens our belief. Knowledge of a“ kind that is beneficial to humanity sh iuld be acquired With zeal. It has been beautitully summed up in the Holy Qumn. “In the creation of the heaven and the earth. in the alternations of day and night. in the ships that sail and benefit the men. in the clouds, in the rain there are Signs for those who think. understand and believe”.

Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) Iaid great stress on seeking knowledge. He raised the degree of learning seventy times higher than prayer. He declared that the faith of I person who pays respect to another for his wealth and not for knowledge is defective. Wealth has to be protected whereas knowledge protects man. There is no end to the supply of knowledge stored in a mind.
God created the universe to serve as a manifestation of his light. He brought Into existence man and gave him the will to choose between good and evil.

Allah has given man the freedom to choose the path he desires. He has put forth before man, option of good and well. It is for man to choose the right path It leads us to Allah. In our prayers, five times a day, we the Muslims, pray to Allah to show us the right path. The path of those on whom He has showered His blessings and not of those who aroused His wrath.
Nothing in this universe has been created without any purpose. Everything has a purpose and meaning in it for man to understand and admire Allah.

For about a thousand years. the Muslims were the torchbeaters of knowledge. This was a glorious achievement. The Muslim preserved the entire ancientt heritage and then passed it on the modern Europe together with their own great contributions. Islam was a dominant force in Spain for about eight hundred years. The modern European civilization which dominates the world today owes a great deal to Islam.

Great universities grew up in the Muslim world particularly in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Spain.
The light of these universities shone for beyond the Muslim world. It drew students and scholars of all religions from East and West who came to learn the great discipline taught in these universities.

Regards: @ajmalaftab

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