Research have shown that when people are focused on money they tend to be more selfish. When focused on money, people will stop to help other people they normally would. They will be so focused on in that they miss out on the other beauties of life. The trick to leading a happy fulfilling life is to not focus on money, do what you love, give everything your best, and focus on relationships.
Giving your best effort on what you do promotes growth. It gives make you step out of your comfort zone and improve on whatever you are doing. A writer may able to make decent money by constantly spamming content with C- minus effort. How is that fun? How will you grow as a person? Would you enjoy moving bricks from left to right 8 hours a day for 150k a year? Sure you might enjoy the easy money for awhile, but I guarantee that you will not be happy in the long run.
A research was conducted by following people from when they were young till they died. They measured their happiness levels and recorded on what they did. The happiest people did not have the most money and highest status in society. They were the ones that maintained high quality relationships with different people.
Helping others and doing things out of love rather than greed will earning you relationships and make your life more fulfilling. Being happy when others succeed instead of being bitter and envious is also a good trait to have. Giving with no expectation for anything in return will make you less disappointed in the long run.
I sure hope this article will help some people lead a happier life, I am generally a pretty happy person and I would love to share it with everyone. Any thoughts or comments? Thank you for taking the time and effort in reading my little ramble=)