How to become bankrupt in five steps?

in #life7 years ago


Dear reader, there are some magical recipes that will help you in the implementation of good things, but I here will not use one of them, but on the contrary will tell you a new prescription, you may already know through your experience, or even the experience of people around you, in this article, I'll tell you how to become bankrupt In five easy and simple steps, let's start together.

Step 1: Do not set a budget for spending

This step is the best step to start, do not put any plans at the beginning of the month, and do not put any budget for monthly spending, why do you need to exert effort and energy in the development of a plan and think about what you spend? While you can take advantage of this effort in something more useful.

As you know, no one cares to prepare proper plans, they are things we write it down and keep written on papers in theory only, but we do not apply in the end, even if it was because of Tkaslena we are in the implementation.

Step Two: Your desires above all

It does not matter what the cost of your desires is, but it may cost you your entire salary, the important thing is to satisfy them whatever the end result of the order.

You always have to move according to those desires, not to think about controlling them, or even working to properly organize them.

In the end your desires will reach you to the satisfaction you wish. So, why should you control it? If you suffer materially for that, at least you are fulfilling your desires.

Step 3: Buy what you want at any time

It does not matter which day of the month we are now, or even if you want to buy more important things in the coming days, we have agreed that your desires are above all.

So whenever you find yourself wanting to get something, buy it at any cost, even if that means you can not afford to buy any more important needs.

Buy what you want even if you spend all your salary in the first five days of the month and spend the whole month without money.

Step 4: Do not plan your purchase decisions

Why do you need to look at alternatives to a particular product? Why should you think about whether this product is essential to you or not? We have agreed that you will not plan from the beginning, so it will continue here in this step.

Do not plan any of your purchasing decisions, and do not think about anything except to get what you want whatever the price and quality, but the important to buy.

Step 5: Take care and save

Who said we need savings in our lives? Do not worry about saving at all, spend what you have as soon as possible, and whenever you feel you can take advantage of some of the money and keep it for the future, you may be using it in an emergency. Think about using it now.

We remember the children of the moment. All we care about is the present, and we do not care about the future, because it is something we can not control, so we do not need to worry about it at all.

What is the effect of these steps on your monthly salary?

Despite the sarcastic tone that you may find yourself feeling during reading the five steps, what actually happens is that most of us are in one of these steps when you spend monthly, and then find yourself bankrupt easily, and can not keep his salary until the end of the month, He himself suffers early from the end of his salary, is forced either to spend the rest of the month in the case of spending difficult, or have to borrow from others, and becomes his salary next month is dedicated only to repay the debt from last month.

A cycle that repeats every month, most people complain with regret, and the reason is usually because of one of the steps we mentioned, if no one combines more than one step in many cases, and although the solution seems easy for some, through Implementing the opposite steps mentioned in the article, but in fact it is not so easy.

So in the next article, we will look more at this problem, and we will try to tell you some solutions, which will help you to maintain your salary until the end of the month.

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