My Etsy shop is open now ! Find yourself a fun item !

in #life6 years ago

agnes laczo art etsy shop online.JPG

Hey guys, how is it going ?

I am so excited, after a long break i have just reopened
my etsy shop!
As you know the holidays are coming real fast, and i know
many people out there likes to support not only the big
stores but those individuals with creative talents.
So here is the opportunity again to look around in my shop
maybe you like something for yourself, or for your loved ones!

agnes laczo etsy online shopping.JPG

I would be happy to hear your opinion, if there is anything you
like in my shop!

I put the link in here for you :

Thank You so much for your time and your support!

thank you with heart.jpg


It looks awesome! I wish you many sales! 😃

Thank You dear! :-)

Hm, lehet, hogy nagyobb galériára lesz szükségetek :)

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TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63207.55
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.82