25,000 people have taken this quiz on the Mandela Effect. Will you?

in #life8 years ago

Are  you are winding down your Thursday afternoon? Here's a little fun thing to distract you from your day.

The Mandela Effect!

The effect was coined by Fiona Broome.  

She's a paranormal researcher that started a website about "when someone has a clear memory of something that never happened in this reality. "

Before we talk about this at all I want you to go ahead and take this quiz.  It has a fair number of questions, but you're going to get a strong sense that what you remember and what is recorded history are two very different things.  25,000 people have taken that quiz.  Hopefully you'll find like many others it was worth it and worth sharing.

Please take the quiz before you continue reading.






















It started with people having a clear and vivid memory of Nelson Mandela dying in prison.  The weird thing is though that history has recorded that it never happened.  People have memories of being in school and having announcements go off that he was dead.  It's not just one or two people, as many as 15% of society has a recollection of him dying 20-30 years prior to his actual death.

There are other ones that have gained popular attention.  "Mirror Mirror on the Wall" was never said in a Snow White.  The King James version of the Lord's Prayer has one line in the lord's prayer as "forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors."  There are 6 people in the car that JFK was assassinated in instead of 4 people that many folks remember (the governor of TX and his wife are in the car now).

The thing I am pretty sure of is that there is an actual effect.  The 25,000 people that have taken this have clearly demonstrated to me that the world is not responding the way I think it's supposed to.  Folks get the controls right at 95%+ levels (early versions of the questions didn't have a guess option so it's a little different than what the website currently shows).  When it comes to the Mandela Effect questions people get the "right answer" between 15-80% of the time.  So, people can distinguish between the subtle differences that are listed, but the majority recall something different than what history records.

What I'm not sure about is what does the effect mean.  Fiona claims that it suggests that people shift through timelines.  That's really hard to confirm.  I personally have some distinct memories of the Berenstein Bears, but that name doesn't exist anywhere in history except for weird parts of the internet where people talk about this stuff.  So, how come I have distinct memories of that, but it never existed.  

I'm not the only one.  Here's someone filling in an open response question from the quiz.  

" I don't know what is happening, but there is def something happening. its not a conspiracy, because we are talking about peoples memories and private possessions and original productions of items being changed. its just physically impossible ( unless of course the conspiracy is some kind of matrix/mind control/virtual reality all together) for example i watch movies over and over again, i always have. in some cases even memorize the whole movie word for word. i own silence of the lambs, and watched it and others from the series obsessively for sometime. I know for a fact Anthony Hopkins says to Julieanne Moore "Hello Clarice" ...but he doesn't. And upon checking my original release DVD ... I could recite nearly the whole movie ... not everyline but most.* weird part* out of all the lines I did recite, the only incorrect line was " hello Clarice" it just just doesn't happen. This is no false memory because I used to know the movie back to front. watched it reciting the lines many times in my younger years. That is my favourite part of the whole movie, I know it was there .... but it is not. WTF IS GOING ON... Seek the truth no matter where it takes you... believe in what you know. "

What also shows up from the survey is that the takers don't agree either.  Some think it's a memory problem, some think it's CERN doing crazy things, some think it's a government conspiracy, and some think it's merging timelines.  It's also pretty impossible to prove anything too.  In science you need control experiments, but as far as I know there isn't a duplicate copy of this reality to compare against (at least one I can access).

Take the quiz.

What do you think is going on?


If I remember I heard that Nelson Mandela already dead in prison.

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