Ready Me, Who are you ...?

in #life7 years ago

I exist if You are not ..
Ready Me, Who are you ...?
Alam Ahadiyat (before there is everything)

In the realm of Ahadiyat nothing has been made. No Arsy [!], Lauh Mahfuzh not yet, Nur Muhammad does not exist, heaven-hell does not exist yet. The heavens and the earth have not existed, the angels have not yet existed, especially the jinn and the humans. This is called Zatul Buhti, meaning Substance solely; nothing has been created by God.

I am the Hidden Treasury. I want to be known, then I create beings and with Me they know me. (Hadith Qudsy)

Awwalu makhalaqallaha min nuurihi Nabiyika,
'The beginning created by God is the light of your Prophet'.
(Hadith Qudsy)

Who is the Light of the Prophet? That is God's Self Light called Nur Ilahi [so this Nur Nur incident from Nur Ilahi]. God's Light is what is in Q.S. Fushilat: 54 is mentioned as' ala innahu bi kulli syai'in muhiith; Includes everything.

According to the philosopher, covering everything, including all heavenly bodies is Maharuang. According to the expert Nahwu, Maharuang it: Ana eat wa laysa lii eat. That is to say, the dummies include a meaningful eating formula "place".

All of God's creation is placed on La Ta'yin Body or Maharuang Body or God's Body. This is what every creature says about God. This is what the "Lord my Body" is meant to say in the previous description (2016)

To get closer to understanding:
Water includes all fish. Surely the water is the body of a fish. Similarly, the ground is a worm's body. Now we know that fish live in water bodies; worms live on the ground.

So also with Maharuang. Maharuang covers all nature. Of course, nature is in the body of Maharuang. And Maharuang is his body all natural.

What is Maharuang? Nur Divine
What is the Divine Nur? God's Light

So that people should not misunderstand in bertauhid Islam, it needs to be emphasized here: The Light of God (Nur Ilahi or Nur Allah) is not God, but the glory of God. Simply put: The light is not God. Light (Nur) is called "God". Do not misunderstand, the so-called Nur is not referring to Light, but rather refers to the Name (Asma).

So, the Light of God is called Nur. God's Self Light called Nur by tasawwuf experts is called Nur Allah or Nur Ilahi. Well, God's Light is called God. This "God" Asma is the Name of Greatness to His Substance.

Take a look, all know there are 99 Asthma [open Asmaul Husna]. From "Ar-Rahmaan" to Asma "Ash-Shabur" it all shows Nature. So, which Asma shows His Self and Greatness? That is (Asma) "Allah"
Those who are already covenant Rabbani, no doubt there is no doubt that this Maharuang Body of God / Body of God.

Why is it called the Name of Greatness for His Substance? Because the personal God is not really a Name. In fact, the word "God" never existed when the beings had not been created. When only God is THERE, when there is no one but God, does anyone say the word "God"?


ٱلله نور ٱلسموٲت وٱلأرض مثل نوره كمشكوة فيہا مصباح ٱلمصباح فى زجاجة ٱلزجاجة كأنہا كوكب درى يوقد من شجرة مبرڪة زيتونة لا شرقية ولا غربية يكاد زيتہا يضىء ولو لم تمسسه نار نور على نور يہدى ٱلله لنوره من يشآء ويضرب ٱلله ٱلأمثل للناس وٱلله بكل شىء عليم
God lights the heavens and the earth. The parable of the light of God, is like an impenetrable hole, in which there is a great lamp. The lamp is in the glass [and] the glass is like a [glowing] star like a pearl, lit with oil from a tree of blessings, [that is] olive tree that grows not in the east [not] and neither west of [him], whose oil [is] almost illuminating, though not touched by fire. Light over the light [of layers], God guides to His light whom He will, and Allah makes parables for man, and Allah is All-Knowing all things. (Q.S. Nur: 35)

In translation it is usually written like this: "God [Lightteam] to [the] heavens and the earth."
However, for the creature is not confused when about to call God, then the Name of His Light is also used as a reference that refers to the Self God. Is not Light with the Light Owner not hiding ?! Thus, the word "Allah" can refer to the Self; can also refer only to the Name of the Light of Yourself. What is the proof? This is it:
"You shall not worship My People, My Nature, My Asthma, My Afaal, but worship Me." (Hadith Qudsi)

So, if you have not known this knowledge, you may have until recently worshiped the Name of God, not yet worshiped the Personal Self. Herein lies the importance of studying tauhid.


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