You Own Your Happiness
There was a time I often wait for my mum or dad to make me happy. To show some reflection of happiness towards me and yes, they sometimes disappoint me but I was living in ignorance of babyhood at that time.
You been happy is not meant to be decide by others but by you. You have the right to make yourself happy and that is what you should do
Why always wait for someone to show you happiness when it can be done by you. You are always and will be responsible for your own happiness and not others. If you are really gonna wait for others to make you happy, then you will always be disappointed.
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I am still @adenijiadeshina
True. Happiness comes from small things.
Yes. You are right. Thanks for stopping by
Great cover image @adenijiadeshina. Your story went along with it perfectly.
Thank you friend
You are completely right... happiness is already inside us, we just need time to know ourselves better and find it!
Yes. Thanks for stopping by