
Well said. I am a an age where I stopped worrying about pissing people off a long time ago. My biggest fear now; and you mentioned it in the video, is regret. Regret is hard to live with. You can't change the past. I agree with what you say. Make decisions that are right for you, right for the people who may be affected, and with the least amount of regret. Good advice. :) Resteemed.

Thanks for the re-steem, @japhofin8or! And I agree, we reach a certain point where we stop worrying about who we piss off and what we'll regret about. Life is about living well, not living in the negative.

Another good video mr tilsley! Thanks for the inspiring words my friend.

Anytime, fellow Mainer. It's what I do.

nice 👍👍

Excellent article. I began to follow you. Please follow me @cranium.

buddy nice video... but one thing I would like to ask is why do you make small videos ?
great content as always :-D
and sorry that curie thing did not work out :-(

Good stuff man. Love the work you're doing and you know I got your back bro - time to get active on here again!

I'm eager to see what we can churn out together, too ;)

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