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RE: A Generic Headline

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Well I never heard that Tide joke.Come to think of it I've always used Tide and can;t even think of another brand of laundry detergent right now lol

The doing good hings part of this post made me remember a time I was selling chocolate bars. I used to walk around parking lots to sell chocolate bars when I was like 12-14 ish for a charity that got a %, and we got to keep a buck off each one we sold..

I approached a guy and he was super rude, put his hand up in my face, got in his car and slammed the door. I noticed his seat belt was hanging fully out the door, buckle and all. I approached his car again to tell him, since I knew he could get a ticket for driving without a seat belt if a cop saw that. But he put his hand up again and waved me off again and sped off in a huff as if I had some communicable disease...

Anyway, Karma was quick. As he was waiting at the light to pull out of the parking lot, lo and behold a cop car pulled up to the red light just as his light went green. He pulled out of the parking lot, and turned right in front of the cop! Cop lights went on, BAM, ticket for no seat belt. Asshole should have just bought a $3 chocolate. BUt, if he'd rolled down his window and heard me say "Sir your seat belt is sticking out your door" and fixed it and went on his way I probably wouldn't have remembered that at all though, so, I guess it happened for a reason. Maybe the reason was so 25 years later on some social media thing I couldn't even imagine back then, I could tell the story in a comment section and maybe make someone laugh, and possibly, get one of those awesome upvotes that are rather totally freakin fantastamazing.


First I looked at the comment, saw a lot of writing then though to myself, yeah, this guy already deserves a 10% for that effort. Then I read the damn story, it's a good story and I can assure you I've been through things like that as well. It's funny watching that instant karma stuff unfold right in front of us. I've seen instances of it here too. People are pricks and suddenly things just start going bad for them. ...but yeah, I rarely(never) vote when someone asks for it but I had to give you a 50% for this story. I'm sure others might enjoy reading it as well. I like this kind of stuff. Just people having fun. Nobody is getting shit or neglected for being "off topic" screw that. How are we supposed to have fun and relax when people are worried about what to say? Nobody flags me for rambling.... I might flag myself though for this one because I just keep going for what? Because my keys need to be pressed more? I don't know...

Your posts seem to have this weird effect on me of bringing up old memories. Prank phone calls and selling chocolates when I was 13ish lol IN this case, it was the part about doing nice things without wanting attention etc.. If the guy HAD let me do the "nice thing" and tell him about his belt hanging out the door, I never would have had this funny story to tell! My brain is weird... But hey at least it still works, sort of... Thanks BTW I don't normally ask for votes either, just seemed like a funny "reason" to attribute this all happening for, like God planned it all so I'd get an upvote 25 years later for trying to be a nice guy,the circle of life is complete! Dies at keyboard

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