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RE: One's Reform

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Yes, that is definitely true. It's not as obvious on the right wing of the spectrum, but in the end many still support groupthink, statism and collectivist ideas, rather than free market competition, personal liberty and respect for private property.

At the same time self-professed Marxists, socialists, SJWs and Antifa groups are much more destructive, both in terms of the demoralisation and destabilisation of the basic fabric of society, as well as just outright oppression and violence. And they far outnumber the right.

Are you familiar with Yuri Bezmenov, the former KGB agent and defector? He did some fantastic interviews back in the 80s, and wrote a couple of brilliant books talking about the methodology and tactics of the Soviet intelligence apparatus, which he himself was deeply involved in.


Will check him out. Seems like marxist ideology has been a great tool to deceive the masses.

It is the greatest paradox in human history that the world's biggest capitalists have funded Marxist ideology since it's inception and continue to do so up to today.

It's logical though if you think about it. There's nothing better for the international moneylenders than big government. There is no better customer!

Another excellent author I would like to share with you is Prof. Anthony C. Sutton. He proved beyond any doubt that the Soviet Union was built from the ground up by the West, through a combination of loans, technological assistance agreements, exchanges of patents, industrial cooperation, and outright shipping of critical materials for their industrial development. The same is true for China and even Hitler's Germany. The document trail is there and is absolutely beyond doubt.

Yuri Bezmenov was well aware of this too, and mentions it in the talk I sent you above.

Thanks for sharing these videos. Interesting stuff to digest!

It is the greatest paradox in human history that the world's biggest capitalists have funded Marxist ideology since it's inception and continue to do so up to today.

It's logical though if you think about it. There's nothing better for the international moneylenders than big government. There is no better customer!

It's very logical and makes perfect sense. The State is the best mechanism to grease out as much money as possible; and capitalism as a system just means using capital as a means to generate an economy, which is virtually every economic system. There is just a difference between capitalists that are monopolists versus laissez faire capitalists.

It's a perfect triangle between banks, who collect interest on loans to governments, who then spend that money on contracts given to private corporations, which are in turn owned by the same people who own the banks!

That, in essence, is Marxist, socialist, Keynsian economics, whatever you want to call it. It is the absolute opposite of a free market.

Collectivism is the perfect ideology for such a system, because, ultimately, it has nothing to do with personal freedom and equality, but everything to do with work. The herd mentality is encouraged as it creates good workers, who will sacrifice themselves for the common good, which is really the good of the owners of the system.

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