About Snapchat dysmorphia and zombies

in #life6 years ago

Body dysmorphia is labeled as an “excessive preoccupation with a perceived flaw in appearance, classified on the obsessive-compulsive spectrum” and is generally a condition that determines people to "ask for the plastic surgeon's knife" in correcting such flaws. In the case of most of us who acknowledge our physical flaws and accept them as part of our nature and consider them as God given details of our bodies, there's nothing to do about them and there's also no wish in correcting them. However, we're not all the same and not all of us overlook such flaws.

According to cnet there's a new dysmorphia in town and it's inspired by Snapchat. That social media platform or whatever it might be that I haven't ever used in my entire life and never will. But I am not the only one using a smartphone and have access to internet, thus there are enough folks enjoying it and especially its filters. Regarding these filters they seem to love them that much, especially women, that they started asking for surgeons to re-model their faces expressions according to these filters, so they can be "filtered" all the time. That's Snapchat dysmorphia.

If you ask me about this disease I would say that it sounds as weird as it is and in my opinion it's the creation of such users who became addicted to these filters trying to transform their natural shape of the face to something that they usually get on Snapchat, while having dog ears and other animal parts, which is also a sign of getting immature at any age. Trying to carve a curvy nose, like mine for example, wouldn't seem that weird, at least for me, although I haven't done that and never will, but trying to re-model your face according to a Snapchat filter, without any "face flaws" is a different situation and another side effect of too much social media consumption. IMO.

image source

Nothing against social media, as I am still using some myself, and considering that we live in a digital world I see its existence as perfectly normal, but too much of it will always harm. If sugar can harm health in high quantities why Snapchat would be an exception? About the side effects of excessive social media networks I have too many posts by now so I won't make another one, but I can't hold my reactions either towards this plastic surgeries involving patients who want to become like their Snapchat filters. The first thing that comes to my mind right now is how dumb are we becoming, thanks to too much social media consumption and when are we going to stop that dumbness dangerous slide that we currently seem to enjoy?

It's like there's not enough mental diseases developed thanks to Facebook, Instagram and others social media platforms alike and not enough low self esteem created by the fake world portrayed on such social media platforms that we now need to go to plastic surgeons asking them to transform us in "Snapchat filters". Now that's an ideal to fight for and pay a lot of money. Now, it's way out of my knowledge if the addiction to social media is already considered as aggressive as drug addiction, but by seeing its current side effects and the way these evolve I think we're just a few years from that to happen.

That's what bothers me the most about social media: it gets under your nose stuff that seem harmless, innocent and joyful, it makes the online world a fairy-tale worth being part of at any price and without even knowing you end up chasing these fairy-tales, spending your money to become a character of these fairy-tales and get depressed once you fail accomplishing that. Once going down the social media rabbit hole you will for sure get sucked in there pretty hard as it is programmed to happen that way. Simply because that handful of people that "take care" of the world and decide for the majority can make their laws, pull their strings and sell tons of vaccines and weapons while "we sleep on Facebook" and attach filters to our faces on Snapchat. Don't tell me that you believe Facebook was created by Zuckerberg in a college dorm and it's free.

It's free to use, for now, but everything has it's cost and not all cost that we pay are physical. Bottom line, I don't think that humanity has ever been so asleep as it currently is, thanks to our beloved gadgets and social media platforms, but I do hope it will. Otherwise zombies might become a reality. A harsh one that has nothing to do with video games and has no pause or exit buttons to end it at will.

Thanks for your attention,


@acesontop Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

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