why is the date good for breaking the fast?

in #life6 years ago

Hello all the days of fasting live counted a few days.
To break the fast, dates also have a variety of advantages that other types of food do not have. Here are some of the benefits of dates for breaking the fast:

Easy to digest by the stomach
When fasting, an empty stomach for several hours and the body's metabolism runs slower than usual. The abdomen will require time to adapt to receive food back after breaking. Therefore, choose foods that are easily digested such as dates so that the stomach is not surprised and tired from having to work hard all of a sudden.

Prepare the stomach to receive another food
Jumping into fast food is as good as driving a car without heating it up. This can lead to digestive problems such as heartburn, stomach twisting, or diarrhea. You also will easily feel sleepy and lazy activities. Because the body must devote energy to the digestive system and reduce its intake to other organs. In fact, there is still worship tarawih prayer that unfortunately passed just because of drowsiness.

Breaking the fast with dates can help prepare the stomach to receive other foods. In addition to easy to digest, the dates will activate the release of enzymes and digestive juices in the stomach. The body also becomes more energetic and ready to perform its functions.

Prevent overeating
Dates are rich in dietary fiber that can make the stomach feel full quickly. Carbohydrates are also high because of its natural sugar content, namely glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Sugar in dates includes complex carbohydrates that are digested gradually so that it can control your appetite and prevent you from "revenge" or overeating after a day of fasting.

Provides energy quickly
Often feel limp or dizzy when fasting? This can be caused by low levels of sugar on an empty stomach and rest for several hours. To normalize blood sugar levels and restore energy, people often break with drinks or sugary foods. Unfortunately, many of them instead choose unhealthy foods or simple carbohydrates that can lead to spikes in glucose and increase appetite.

Dates can be an alternative to a more healthy breaking meal. Its natural sugar can be immediately transferred to the liver and converted into energy faster than other nutrients. Appetite is also more controlled because of the high fiber foods that dates palm.

Healthful digestive system
Changes in mealtimes and lack of fiber intake during fasting can cause various digestive problems. Moreover, many people just crazy and consume unhealthy foods both at dawn and break. Consumption of some dates regularly when breaking can help maintain the health of your digestive system.

Its food fiber digests and cleans the intestines from toxins and other harmful substances. Its lakasatifnya nature prevents constipation that often occurs when fasting. Dates also stimulate the development of good bacteria and inhibit the growth of intestinal organisms in the intestines. Meanwhile, amino acids help digestion and increase the absorption of nutrients by the body.

Normalize blood acidity
The level of blood acidity often increases when the body burns fat reserves as the main energy source when fasting. In this phase, the mouth will emit an unpleasant odor and the body will feel tired. This condition is normal experienced and no need to worry about.

However, consumption of meat and excess carbohydrates that often occur when breaking the fast can further increase blood acidity. In the long term, excess acid can cause hereditary diseases such as diabetes, gout, urinary tract infections, high blood pressure, and hemorrhoids. Consumption of some dates when breaking can help overcome them because dates contain alkaline salts that can normalize blood acidity.

Sufficient nutritional needs
Another benefit of dates for breaking the fast. Dates contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are beneficial to health. Consumption of dates along with other healthy eating habits will help maintain health and fitness during fasting. Choose fresh dates to get the best results.

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