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RE: Lunch with mum, and everything else I've eaten today

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Thanks! I'm sure Mum will be happy reading this, and probably tell Scruffy too!

It's a good job some people enjoy food prep, we might not have made it out of the wilderness if not! Everyone round to your house for the food party?

Ahh the ACV, good to know other people are on it. Last year I was consuming some daily, and I'm sure it made my ears ring more - wondering if anyone else has had these symptoms.

Tuna is a brain food - maybe he needs a bit more of that? 😁


hahaha he needs more than tuna Asher!

Really? Made your ears ring? I've not heard of that one, but I guess it's entirely possible. Not calling you crazy or anything like that ;)

My mom never tires of hearing how young she looks, then she says things like this to me: "your skin looks great in the summer, because you tan so well, but you look like shit in the winter" haha. She's not kidding though! No couth, my mom!! Perhaps that's why I ended up in Mexico ;)

I feel she'd say the same to me! That's why I'm trying to find a place with only one season, the hot one 😎

A ringing ear does make me go a little crazy at times, 15 years of it so far since the bike accident. The docs said it would ring for a long time - I didn't think it would be forever more!

Then you'd love it here. It goes from hot, to hotter, and not much in between!

I didn't know you'd been in a bike accident! 15 years is a long time for anything, let alone something like ringing in the ear! That must get really annoying, to say the least. And the apple cider vinegar made it worse?! Geez, that's all really awful actually. Isn't it strange, with modern medicine the way it is, that the doctors can't come up with anything better than, "it would ring for a long time"? Do you have dizziness or anything else 'attached' to it?

Sounds like my ideal weather forecast!

I was lucky to escape with just a ringing ear that's a bit deaf as the long term side effect of a skull fracture, so I always think about that when the ringing is prominent.

I was wondering if the ACV was decalicifing whatever's not right in my ear and therefore allowing me to hear the ringing easier - could be a load of rubbish I know!

If sunny and hot is what you need, this is the place!

You sound like you were pretty lucky! Who knows about the ACV too? Rubbish or not, it might be accurate for you!

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