
It's funny, but when you watch a movie or television show where the police officer or private investigator walks up to the bartender or snitch, and asks for information, it almost always ends up in a payment of some kind from the officer/investigator to the bartender/snitch.

I'm not saying that's how it works, but the idea is, information used to not be free. Now, with Google, free might be relative, but the illusion of free is there (even though Google is basically taking our search data and using it to help others market to us).

I was in the newspaper business for 15 years. You wanted to know what was going on in town, you paid for it. It's been like that for centuries. So, the idea of finding interesting information to share is definitely a reason to write, and to be compensated for it, however much that may be, is one, too.

Well the payment may not be in the form of hard-cash in a brown envelope, but I'll take the odd up-vote here and there :)

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