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RE: Swimming pool greatness: A personal account of an [almost] sporting triumph

in #life5 years ago


And for some reason I have a finger in my mouth and am clamping down on it...

That is one epic fail right there! Teeth find present in board, how did you feel looking at that?

Ouch ouch ouch, and 😂 👍🏽


Haha, yeah it was a bit ouchy.

I think seeing the teeth in the board made me laugh as it was a little later that night. I recall my parents trying to lighten the mood a little after I'd calmed down, take my attention off what I'd done. The doctor had put something on the teeth, I know not what, to prevent air hurting them - It was the exposed nerves that hurt you see. I can't recall but I suspect he gave me something to relax me also as I recall being quite calm and unconcerned later that night.

Glad you liked it. I know it's a long read and most won't take the time but it was sort of fun writing it. I was picturing my brownish skinny self standing there at the edge of the pool...I can actually recall the moment quite vividly even now. Writing it was fun. Anyway, glad you liked it.

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