My default key - Jacky Cheung Monday我的默认键-张学友星期一

in #life6 years ago

I like Monday. I'm probably a guitar teacher. It's busy on weekends. Monday is the most leisure time. On Mondays, I like to listen to songs, mainly based on Jacky Cheung's songs. Each of his songs, each time I will go to study, listen to, I love to sing, for me, Jacky Cheung is my teacher.我喜欢星期一,大概我是吉他老师吧,周末都挺忙的,星期一是最闲暇的时候。星期一的我喜欢听歌,主要是以张学友的歌曲为主,他的每一首歌,每个时期的歌我都会去学习,去听,我热爱唱歌,对于我而言,张学友就是我的老师。u=1834966571,529551779&fm=27&gp=0.jpg
Jacky Cheung is a legend. Every one of his songs is familiar and classic. From "Love has passed away" to "Kissing", then from "Hungry Wolf Legend" to "Awake Dreaming", each song is Zhang Xueyou revealed his understanding of life.
There is a saying well: "Listen to Jacky Cheung's song, to understand it is no longer a fancy", "Slowly, slowly no feeling, slowly, slowly hungry, oh, ignored, you can not bear to see me, no little comfort ".
When I first started to contact Jacky Cheung, it was ten years ago. At that time, I was already playing music. However, the vocals were really a mess. The song of Jacky Cheung who just started listening to was “She's Distant”. Since listening to his song, I’m very Efforts to learn to sing, "Dear She" sang "I received a letter from her father on this day, and she said that blood cancer has taken her away." This sentence really touched me and I can wear it. Throughout my heart, I have been very hard to sing every song of Jacky Cheung. My vocals and Cantonese are getting better and better. I really appreciate Zhang Xueyou.
Jacky Cheung is an unforgettable memory for many people, because his song band has changed with a change of times and times. He experienced the golden age of record sales. At that time, the record sales were second only to Michael Jackson and ranked second in the world. What is worth mentioning is Jacky Cheung's 2017-2018 world tour. Jacky Cheung's concerts each broke past records. The number of world tour this time should be more than 150, and the number of his concert breaks. The world record is the largest number of people in the history of the concert. Coincidentally, Jacky Cheung because of the concert on March 9, 2018 against Europe and the United States big coffee summit US billboard, the first Chinese music scene.张学友是很多人难忘的记忆,因为他的歌带变着一个时代和时代的变更,他经历了唱片销量的黄金时期,当时的唱片销量仅次于迈克尔杰克逊,处于世界第二。更值得提的是张学友的2017-2018年世界巡演,张学友每次的演唱会都破了以往的记录,这次的世界巡演场数应该会在150场以上,而且他的演唱会人数还打破了世界纪录,是有史以来演唱会人数最多的人。巧的是张学友因为演唱会在2018年3月9日力压欧美大咖登顶美国billboard,华语乐坛第一人。

Did you admire Jacky Cheung? Did you go to Xueyou's world tour?

I am Allen, please follow me @ abcallen
I am Allen, please follow me @abcallen
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我是艾伦,请跟着我@ abcallen




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