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RE: The Michelle Carter Texting Suicide Trial: Do You Agree With The Verdict?

in #life7 years ago

This is outrageous in my opinion.

First we have no context, no clue what was going through her mind, what was her motivation to encourage him to do this, was she suicidal herself, did he abuse her, did she honestly feel he would be better off dead and saw it as mercy?

Regardless of all that they are setting a precedent for imprisoning people solely based on what they say!!!


That said, in all honestly if he was weak minded enough to listen to her then good riddance. I am so sick of the propagation of weakness and stupidity on this planet. Furthermore the parents if anyone are the only ones to blame in this situation. When your child wants to commit suicide this is a clear demonstration of your failure as a parent. Either the parents weren't there when they were needed or they were there in all the wrong ways and screwed that kids head up. Parents who try to blame others for their own shortcomings as parents disgust me almost as much as politicians....almost

STOP PROTECTING STUPID PEOPLE AND THEY WILL STOP BEING STUPID, or natural selection will do it's thing, either way i'm behind it. I am included in this. If I do something stupid and it kills me well then F*** Me, I deserve it.

aaron upvoted 1 small.png


Thanks for sharing your opinion. I would say here where it happened, many people agree that she is a bad person to encourage him, but don't feel like jail time is necessary.

I hear you and it's encouraging that the locals are against jail time, makes me wonder even more why the judge sentenced her. I'm thinking to set a precedent for imprisoning people based on speech as we continue our jolly trot down the path to the "United States of the 3rd Reich". However I must say I do not believe in "Bad" people. I believe in people reacting the best they know how to a completely insane world. A society based on competition will never breed "Good" people and is is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

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