Sometimes You Have To Think What's More Important

in #life7 years ago

I want to make this blog, just a life lesson, life advice. Sometimes we have to ask yourself what its worth.
Photo for attention, found on a site for loyalty free images.

What I mean by this, is don't always but other things before yourself. For example, when Hurricane Irma hit Florida, A pizza hut manger threatened to fire workers who evacuated for the storm. Think, is a 4 dollars an hour job worth your life. That manager doesn't give a rats hat about his/her employees, are you going to risk your life for a douche bag with no morals? Think, a funeral will cost more money than appealing your termination. Say a blizzard is coming, viability will be zero, your boss expects you to be in or you're fired. Same principles apply, A funeral/hospital bill/car repairs will cost more than appealing your termination. The weather people even tell you to not go out if unless you have to, so unless its an emergency, there is not need to take any risks. Don't do anything for someone who doesn't care about your safety. Now you may be saying that there is bills, I get that. If your life is going to be at risk, the job is not worth it. While you can, start looking for back up income sources like I got Steemit for back up.
Don't put your eggs in one basket, fix cars, chairs tables for back up money, so if you even get in a jam, you have your back up money to hold you over.

That's all I got, leave an upvote and give me a follow if you like these blog posts

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