1,000+ followers! Paid off my debt! 1 mile run challenge update (Thank you and everyone gets an upvote!)

in #life7 years ago

Hi Steemians!

Today is one of my happiest days in a while. Today I paid off my debt. I've been paying off well over the minimum payment every single month and today is the big day that I finally made it over that hump and made my final payment! Interest payments suck, and having monthly payments eat out of your disposable income sucks even more.

In addition to paying off my debt, I am also blessed to have reach 1,000+ followers recently. I've been so busy lately and stressed that I didn't really notice reaching the milestone and the stress has affected my workout routine. So to celebrate all this good news, I decided to pick up where I left off and ran my mile that I've been working towards getting to sub 6 minutes. I took a few breaks and that's why the time is faster than usual but I'm going to focus more on getting back in shape going forward!


After the run, my girlfriend and I went out to grab a small celebratory dinner and I of course needed a nice cold beer to really hit the spot.

Here's a POV shot from the gf because she takes better pictures.


The girlfriend loved the french fries and gave it a 9/10

closeup french fries.jpg

P.J. Whelihan's Menu

PJ Whelihans.jpg

Overall a very great day and a stress filled couple of months but totally worth it. I can also finally start to think about the next vacation so feel free to throw out some suggestions. Thanks to all my followers who have been supporting me and wishing everyone good luck out there!



congratulations! happy for you!

thank you!

You are born for this , nice post


Congratulations. Bet it feels great. Judging by this, it definitely does lol.

Yeah, definitely feels good. It will feel better every month going forward when my bank account increases :)

Are u eating all those. Wow u must be famished

Yes, I ate all mine ha!


Very happy and relieved! Thank you!

This is so inspiring! Good for you.

Congratulations! I'm sure it feels amazing.

@trogdor Thank you and I appreciate your support!

Congrats meng! Debt free is the way to be.

Try some indian sprints to increase your time if you aren't already training as such.

Good luck

Thank you and def will incorporate them!


Congrats on paying off that debt. More money for Steem!

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