Grateful Soul

in #life-lessons7 years ago (edited)

Another one is coming to an end.
Memories and history has been made.

Remarkable personal growth was recorded.
The unending self love my being was awarded.

Warmth came from souls across the world.
I experienced love and light combined.

Though others tried to pulverize my soul.
I absorbed little of their unsolicited troll.

After all, I am only human.

Age has taught me none of us is better.
That humans are flawed and sometimes bitter.

We become better by learning from others.
Exploring their world's diverse cultures.

Only then can understanding flourish.
Enabling us to respect what others cherish.

Allowing love to breed and merge the universe.

Be kind as much as you can my soul.
Kindness can suppress hate and end wars.

This free write was inspired by meditating on an ending year. My soul keeps changing as I age and I can't help but fall in love what time under the sun is doing to me. I have learnt what true freedom is. The art of remaining patient with people and life. That slow is better than no movement at all.

Though these might be simple lessons, my soul is rising from it's eroding dust. Slowly but with a better perspective on life, I am being reborn to mature womanhood. More self aware of who or what deserves my energy!

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Black Queen.

Pic from pixabay.

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