I'm not flying again until the TSA is disbandedsteemCreated with Sketch.

The government has no business providing security for airlines. Government involvement in any field generally results in higher costs and lower quality.

And, force is usually involved.

My balls got squeezed a year ago. I'm not flying again, not until this injustice is resolved. I have no fear of flying -- just, a desire to keep myself from being irradiated unnecessarily, and a desire to steer clear of pain.

In another incident, on returning home from overseas the TSA agent walked around telling stupid jokes while we were standing in line, jokes about our appearances. Very uncalled-for and unwanted, but who wants to stand up to the guy with the gun?

The airlines must be losing untold amounts of business. I used to travel a lot. I wonder how many more of me there are out there?


that's a wise decision

Centralized government is slavery of its kind, making policies that favors few without the interest of the masses. In my own country, people are being humiliated by armed forces.

What a shame to humanity.

Thank you @litertyteeth.
Indeed we need our liberty.

I'm sorry to hear! Stay safe. We certainly do!

It's a huge part of why I don't travel. It's very challenging for me to be touched & even bumped. The idea of someone I'm not intimate with touching my privates is too much for me to handle right now. I had to turn down a free cruise to lovely tropical locals a couple months ago because of my aversion.

My idea was to get a trained pack of drug & explosive dogs to patrol airports. They could be therapy animals as well & rewarded for their work with positive attention & affection. Dogs have great senses of smell, so it's not as if they'd have to be all up in everyone's business.

I'd love to travel the world, but the TSA & all my crazy combined makes that a big NOPE.
Hopefully Steem soars in the next 3 to 5 & we can all just fly private. 😃

I love your dog idea! I understand about not wanting to be touched by strangers. I really aligned with Mike Jittlov's not shaking hands in "The Wizard of Speed and Time" (it's on YouTube, excellent movie), although I never took on that behavior. Much prefer the "fist bump" that's recently become popular, as it touches a surface you don't eat with. :)

Did you see Jerry Banfield's post which I reposted as the post before this one? It's amazing, a rather long read, but it brings a feature from DASH here -- voting on proposals, with 200,000 STEEM available each month to be spent proportionally on the proposals, by vote percentage.

If this gains consensus -- and it seems it might, almost 1,900 upvotes! -- I'm certain the price will soar, and we should all meet in 3 to 5 somewhere centrally located via private plane. :)

Thanks for the lead to an epic read! Exciting proposal for sure! I wasn't able to get through it all before my brain nearly exploded & I scrolled to see if I was almost done (surely I must be?!) & it kept going & going, so I had to take a break. I wish my brain was on his level!

He definitely went in-depth on that one! Good for him though, he sure added a chunk of value right there.

And yeah, agreed about the first bumps. So much better than shaking. I tend to avoid any interactions that can turn into dominance displays.

I'll have to check out that movie! Thanks for that lead as well!

I agree about the price soaring. There may be amazing adventures to be had here soon :)

interactions that can turn into dominance displays.

Very interesting! I had a friend who was somewhat violent (hence the "had") and he was upset with someone, and we talked about if he saw him out at a bar, to greet him and shake his hand, but grip tightly and then complain, saying "let go of my hand", say that two or three times, and then start hitting him with the other hand, saying "let go, let go!"

It started as a joke, but it's really not amusing; there are many people who behave that way (pretending to be friends), and I don't really want to either be one, or associate with those who are.

And, it's one more reason not to shake hands -- it could be a trap.

What's really funny about that last sentence, is that the act of shaking hands is supposed to show the other party that you don't have a dagger in that hand. So, it's come full circle! :)

And you should definitely enjoy "The Wizard of Speed and Time", I have an autographed something (I think it was a poster, but it might have been the VHS tape -- or it could be both). Mike Jittlov acted, directed, produced, filmed, did the stop-motion animation -- and, it's a great love story and action and comedy as well!

IMDB page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0081766/

I really liked the review at the bottom:

9 February 2001 | by ([email protected]) (London) – See all my reviews
The truth is, eye came across this movie in a video store and thought it looked like the most stupid thing ever. Im 17 & interested in film-making & so like to watch total low-budget crap and laugh at how poor some low budget movies are!
But not this. The wizard of speed & time is literally more than a movie. I feel like Mike J is a movie & magic pioneer in the industry showing that Creativity and magic are still very much alive:)
The film is just so magical & feel-good. There are odd sequences cut & pasted together & look so different. There are 3 unicorn references (I love unicorns) and the fact Mike J basically MADE THIS MOVIE HIMSELF is a testament to how much passion he put into this project. The Prince of the movie industry! The sequence with Mike going to all the unions is a clever & witty dig at the ugly crapiness of hollywood. This movie is a reminder of all the guys & girls sitting in their rooms making the most magical stories,pictures & music that only they will hear. I just wish that Mike J had been sucessful and given us more movies like this. Well, at least the movie lives on.....

I'm only a few minutes in & I already love it. I actually laughed out loud & that rarely happens, but when the lady said he should see a psychiatrist about the hand shaking, his reply "If you feel compelled to grab a part of my body and shake it before you can even be friendly, you've got far worse problems than you think I have" slayed me. 😅

This movie was exactly what I needed today, thank you. :)

You are supremely welcome, I am so glad a few words from me can take up an hour and 40 minutes of your time enjoyably. :)

Also the ending really rhymed with the ending of the first "The Muppet Movie" -- the cast gathered in a theater to watch it, and everybody is friendly. That type of scene reminds me a great deal of "Heaven" as I imagined it as a child. All conflicts are over, we get to relax and enjoy each other's company.

I changed chairs recently in front of my computer, and now my cat jumps up and sits on my lap. This one has arms, and the seat is lower in the middle; the other one was higher in the middle, so she was constantly falling off to either side.

Now it's sad when she wants up and I've got the tower's keyboard on my lap (this "desk" isn't big enough! -- it's a kitchen table...).

Tried mining BTG last night, what a scam...

Bummer it was a scam! But cool that you know how to do such things.

Hopefully kitty find another way to make the cuddling work!

I enjoyed that movie, that guy is crazy skilled! His current website is in a similar style to the movie.

I like your idea of heaven, it'd be lovely if there was a way to create it on Earth now. Just enjoying each other sounds lovely.

Hello @libertyteeth

I was thinking that because US has been a target for terrorist, security should be high in the airport because that is were they come in through.

International airports, certainly. Last year's inappropriate touching incident was domestic travel, on our way to the 50th Star Trek convention for my wife. Nobody's "coming through" on a domestic flight.

But you're right about the international airports, those need to go through "border control" since it's an invasion of borders.

Ok. I understand.

Stay put, thats all i can say

LOL, right? Most family is reachable by car, so there's that.

I pass on air travel as well, I am very much for the open road....even if it takes a little bit longer at least I know that I am in control.

Agreed! Even if statistically there are more accidents in vehicles than aircraft -- generally, "an accident" in an aircraft involves plummeting to one's death, whereas in a car, like you mentioned, I can take actions to avoid tragedy, if possible. In a plane (or bus, or cruise) I'm at the mercy of whoever's in control.

Plus with driving there is more that can be seen or places visited. I am not one to hurry from place to place, I guess I like a slower lifestyle and try to avoid the hassles of large crowds including airports!

all rules overlued only for govt. empolyee and presurised only to civilian.

sad how the TSA handles people and act like a body that is operating above the law, sorry for what happened, but it might be long or never before the TSA is removed so try and adjust

Well, I'm adjusting by not needing to take vacations to far-away places. :)

Yes I believe the safety of air depends on God's hand and not government @libertytheeth

I see that you unfollowed me, so your comment appears to be sarcastic.

Of course that's not what I meant.

Private security firms will do a better job than government, at less cost, with less harm to The People.

Other comments in this post give additional details on alternatives.

Are you perchance in the industry?

Wow like seriously i didn't maybe it was a mistake of Wat benefits its to me to unfollowed and yet comment on ur post even upvoted pls forgv me minnow nature on Steemit.@libertyteeth am wth u 247 dude

No am not just that both government and private sectors all are still airline just a difference in individual and government management but God over everything GOE

Oh okay, sorry I took it wrong. Below is the unfollow I noticed just now, which I only looked at because I reloaded my "Blog" tab, and saw that I lost a follower, so wondered who it was -- and remembered having seen your comment on this post when I briefly looked at it just prior to that, so came back to comment.

Anyway, that's what prompted my comment. I just reloaded that page (which is from https://steem.makerwannabe.com/ in case you want to use the tool yourself, it's rather helpful), and I see that the unfollow is gone.

I don't see your upvote though. And https://steemd.com/@libertyteeth?page=1 shows these comments, but doesn't show any upvoting from you. It also doesn't show that you unfollowed and then followed, so perhaps the above tool had a glitch? Very strange though that the counter at Steemit went down 1 though!

Anyway, I completely agree with giving all glory to God. The difference between private and government, though, is that if private uses inappropriate force, they can be sued more easily than using a government court to sue another government branch. And, there'll be lots of competition so quality will go up and prices will go down, unlike the single supplier for airport security services we currently have -- they're effectively a monopoly, and can set monopoly pricing and low quality standards, with little recourse.

It is kind of situation in all places ,The demand increases ,quality decreases!

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