
It looks like the destination is: all goes as planned... an who are we to know about all of what is planned... - time to wake up the masses... but they are busy with their smartphones...

Free games! What could go wrong?

a lot - if not all - but how to tell it to the the masses... still trying on my end here ....

Make sure to txt them. At least they'll read it.

haha, I would, but I don't have a smartphone :-)

Have had the pleasure to watch Psycho-Pass. It's a real masterpiece and tackles certain issues in depth. It's about a future where the state of human mind is measured by The Sybil system.

The video sells the series well. Please watch it. Psycho-Pass is philosophically deep and and still full of action and makes lots of very good questions. Instead of being like another 1984 Psycho-Pass not only builds the world but also rips it apart. It's a real must see.

Imma hafta VPN to watch it, cuz it's not available to Americans.

I'll see if I can and let you know. Thanks!

Apparently, either my VPN is lying when it ways I am in Tokyo, it doesn't work, or the Japanese somehow know (which would indicate it's a shitty VPN).

It's on Hulu along with a bunch of other great anime. I checked on and it says it's available in US. Do you use Hulu? If so I have another great pick which I like even More than Psycho-Pass. Steins;Gate

direct neural interface is's only a matter of time.
Oh's already been done in the labs.

I hesitate to actually reveal what I think has been done in labs, just in case someone meaner than me hasn't actually thought of it yet.

Sometimes, my dreams cannot bear repeating. Then I am glad of strong drink.

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