
Those of us that are capable of not joining the herds of sheep end up isolated, and therefore are incapable of doing much to change the generational system of social control.
Like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk?

I do believe that inevitable technological development will, at some point, cause social control mechanisms to become obsolete, and that ultimately true human freedom is unavoidable.

I'm confident that will happen and sooner than anyone expects.

"Like Steve Jobs and Elon Musk?"

Jobs and Musk are very much better at this than I, or most. I have to acknowledge that fact. If a person recognizes that they are similarly capable as those guys, by all means, go and make it happen.

I tried, and found I couldn't, so settled on fixing broken stuff for folks. Best thing I ever did was homeschool my kids on construction sites. I reckon that was the limit of my competence.

In the late 1980s I set up a nonprofit, Lifehold, to pay landowners to leave real property fallow by recruiting people that would pay $1/month to fund habitat for a given species. Also to purchase and develop real property such that it would remain habitat for wild species.

A few lawyers and their swindling ways later, and I gave up. I know how to develop property in this way, but I don't know, as Musk and Jobs, how to negotiate the institutional maze to get to do it.

Edit: awesome graph! Thanks!

thoughts about government.'s job is to say no. It's a control freak.'s insane. My posts on the monkey-sphere, dunbars number etc discuss that. Don't expect rational behavior from governments (or any large organization) it ain't happening. empowers the individual. When an individual (or a small team) gets powerful it can dance rings around government. Elon (and Trump) are playing government like a matador plays a bull.

It's a dangerous game..but the barriers to entry are becoming lower and lower so more people can play.

Governments are dead men walking

This is so TZM and put into words so well.
I was listening an old interview of Peter Joseph on the Joe Rogan show while working and I dont know if this is the Bader Meinhof phenomenon.. but its like this awareness or view of the world and self awareness has slowly become more and more relevent and Im seeing it more frequently now.

Great post, Thank you putting this out there

What is TZM?


I believe the reference is The Zeitgeist Movement.

A well articulated piece, but I don't agree with the idea of failure. I don't see it as failure if your integrity sends ripples into the world and provides generational change. Even if you are unaware of those ripples your self. It is and always has been the individuals with integrity that have propagated social evolution. Socrates is but one example.

Social paradigms don't happen on the flick of a switch, they happen over a slowly shifting gradient. Even if paradigms are much more rapid now due to technology, there is still a dimension of time.

I think what we are seeing globally is an ideological rift that can only be resolved by a single victorious collective unconscious (by this I mean universal preferences, not to be confused with collective ideology). However this time the battle is not within a single nation, but the global society. As has always been the case, this will involve much bloodshed, as those losing grips on the power they held within their ideology won't give it up quite so easily. But when the ashes settle, a new dawn of humanity will once again rise. Like you, I have much doubt that this will happen in my life time. But, the pace of these things is much faster than even in our parent's generation.

I find your comment encouraging.

When I refer to failure, I speak from my experience of attempting to achieve particular goals. Clearly, I have planted seeds in my day, and some of those seeds have sprouted, and cast their own seed. While this may result in wonderful things, as it isn't the particular goals I had in mind, and I may never even know of these wonderful things, I cannot count on such to consider as success.

It may, perhaps, be the best success I can hope for, other than such as I met raising kids. NOT that I met all those goals either! LOL

Regarding collective progress, I both hope and fear the rise of AI in this context. Most folk aren't particularly progressive, especially after being beaten down for a decade or two.

The possibilities are endless, beyond my imagination, and yet the horrors that might come all too dire.

Acceptance, to me, is recognition that I am not in charge of it, and can't do much about it, and when I tried I failed. As pissing and moaning about it does neither me, nor anyone else any good, I essay to hodl my principles 'til I die, and let the chips fall where they may.


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