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RE: Saying "Not all cops are bad" is the same as saying "Not all gang members are bad."

in #liberty7 years ago (edited)

No victim, no crime doesn't go far enough.
As a cannabis activist I am sickened that cbd has been moved to schedule I.
That little compound that fixes so many ills without being psychoactive, yup that one.
And even if it is a compound that blitzes your mind out like alcohol, should it not be accepted like alcohol? My choice, of how I wind down?

If you want to help the world, ban cigarettes. 7000 dangerous chemical compounds released in smoke that causes cancer! Fucking duh right?
Humans and their laws are tyranical at best, and a savior to absolutely zero. Except from the purse strings from which they blindly puppet from without warrant, or just cause.

So many times a day, I think of joining an off-grid community, but as soon as I do, I know I will be forced to fight again for another reason I am allowed to live without another bullshit law trying to shut down a happy way of living.

I know we need to take it back. This world and country for it's citizens, not just a few but all. Equally.


No victim no crime goes plenty far enough. The problem is that the state does not care, as you point out. I agree with you. It is disgusting that we cannot live as we wish to without fear of state violence.

I agree. We are all victims of the bureaucracy. I wish we truly has a civil rights reboot, where as we can boot out anyone who isn't civil and a protector of everyone's rights.
No wonder no one respects the police, like you said, they are corrupt gang members.

A little off topic, but I found your post randomly and then saw your screenname... lol. It's awesome. It reminds me of my friend who used to joke around by saying the f-bomb like you spell it. heh. It just made me laugh, is all.

Thanks. It is mainly to get past the filters, but I believe if all fake news is made illegal that we'll loose our right to critizise and that satire will be disallowed in an attempt to political correct the world.
I don't subscribe to becoming a simple obiedient robot, unless I get a plasma cannon.
Then we can negotiate.

Taking it back implies that there was ever a time when it was the peoples, and banning stuff is as effective as every prohibition. Regardless that you exaggerated and I just finished telling someone that smoking cigarettes isn't disgusting, disguising is attempting to shame people for smoking cigarettes because your dad you haven't seen almost your whole life died from lung cancer, and provided a powerful quote from one of the 5 articles I linked saying that you can take your smoking fear mongering and shove it up your ass.

If you don't want another bullshit law trying to shut down a hapoy way of living, don't suggest a ban on people's happy way of living asshole.

I smoked for 10+ years. Now I simply find it to be an idiot tax, one that provides nothing but enrichment to tobacco companies that don't give a shit about people.
It is your choice to die sooner than your life expectancy, just as if you play with high explosives, or race cars. You should know the greater risks of death. These companies do all they can to keep that fact from their consumers, or patients as I call them.

Yup, I am an ass, great observation there.
Your troll point is what exactly?

Let me help you..
I am happy to play devil's advocate to get you to fight more for this brilliant stance of yours.
I don't need anymore "assholes" here so get angry and smoke another pack of cancer sticks, I sure as fuck will not stop you.

I was comparing two perceived dangers, and yes cigarettes are the biggest one I see, which is tolerated for your own personal addicted amusement.
But I am just jealous of these companies business model simply because I can't find a way to get idiots to buy their own Darwin awards.
You are right. The less of them, the better.
Why stop the culling? Hmmm?

Talk to me about happy life when your emphezema and oxygen tank get you the smiles you are after. Until then, hold your breath.
No please, it stinks like an asshtray.

It is your choice to die sooner than your life expectancy, just as if you play with high explosives, or race cars. You should know the greater risks of death. These companies do all they can to keep that fact from their consumers, or patients as I call them.

Huh, where have you been for the last 30 years of CANCER FROM CIGARETTES?

Japan and Greece have the highest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the lowest incidence of lung cancer. In direct contrast to this, America, Australia, Russia, and some South Pacific island groups have the lowest numbers of adult cigarette smokers in the world, but the highest incidence of lung cancer. This is clue number-one in unraveling the absurd but entrenched western medical lie that “smoking causes lung cancer.”

And about the no benefits these shit companies that don't care about their costumers, some prefer to smoke organic tobacco which you would have banned because you don't want another bullshit law trying to shut down a hapoy way of living, asshole.

70000k Chemicals all cancer causing, fear fear fear, because ban cigarettes because they are simply bad for you, and you shouldn't even have that choice, because happy way of lOifue. Yeah, much angry mr I idiot taxed myself for 10 fucking years.

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