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RE: Who is telling you what - propaganda, conspiracy, and critical thinking

in #liberty8 years ago

Every good lie has an element of truth. (I didn't say that, someone much smarter). There's a reason the USSR called their news agency Pravda. I think the vast majority of people don't mind being lied to- or, slavery for that matter as long as you don't call it that. People mind discomfort. There's a saying in politics that as long as Bubba can make the payments on his bass boat, he'll put up with almost anything.


the reason that socialism never succeeded in the U.S. is that Bubba has almost always had the opportunity to get that boat...and even the opportunity to move up in economic class to buy a bigger boat if he worked hard enough, smart enough, and was lucky enough.

Now the rent-seekers and do-gooders want to take that away from Bubba to make it easier to"control" him.

But in their own pompous stupidity, they won't acknowledge that Bubba's contentment in life is also a major hindrance to getting their own necks stretched.

They will never reprogram enough of American culture to make it safe to disarm us. They might still try to disarm us, but that won't work out so well for them.

Amen Brother...Bubba's waking up! They've destroyed the economy enough that people are becoming afraid and that leads to being pissed. There are enough people aware now that's what the last election showed. I just hope Trump's the right guy for the job.

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