Today my entry for #mspsteem #contest- "Background of Bangladesh's War of Independence"

in #liberty7 years ago

Today in this Contest I am writing about my country of #Bangladesh. Bangladesh and Bangladesh's independence

The history of Bangali and Bangladesh, the heritage of gold Independence struggle of any country in the world is not so proud. In other words, Bangladesh's liberation war was the 1971 armed struggle against East Pakistan against the then West Pakistan, through which Bangladesh's map emerged as an independent country.
On 25 March 1971, in the darkness of the night, when the Pakistani military jumped against the Bengali army in East Pakistan, the liberation war and independence war started in the form of a war. On the black night of twenty-five March, Pakistani military junta killed many ordinary citizens, students, teachers, intellectuals, police in Dhaka. Arrested in the 1970 general election, Awami League chief Bangalee's favorite favorite leader Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the party of absolute majority. Before the arrest, on 26 March, he announced the independence of Bangladesh.

In the face of the delineated massacre, the resistance war started throughout the country; To save lives, nearly 10 million people take shelter in the neighboring country. The freedom fighters established East Bengal Rifles (EPR) of Pakistan Army, East Pakistan Police, Bengali members of the military and above all, freedom fighter general freedom of Bangladesh from the army's army control within a few months. By fighting guerrilla system, the freedom fighters made the Pakistani occupation army busy in the country. During the war of liberation, Bangladesh received economic, military and diplomatic help from India. When the fall of the Pakistani military started in early December, Pakistan declared war against India to flush the situation into different sectors.
So India is directly involved in the liberation war of India. In the face of a joint attack by the freedom fighters and the Indian military, the Pakistani military forces, which are already in the process, decided to surrender. On 16th December, Pakistan has officially surrendered with 93,000 troops in Race Course ground. The nine-month long bloody liberation war ended; Bangladesh was the first independent state of the country to establish Bangladesh.


In August 1947, the Indian subcontinent under British rule became independent and India was divided into two separate independent states. India comprises of Muslim-dominated areas and consists of Hindus and other religions based on India. The newly formed state of Pakistan was composed of two provinces between two thousand miles - East Pakistan (present day Bangladesh) and West Pakistan. Geographically and culturally, it was only in the religion of the majority of the people, in the middle of the Yojana Yojana. Since the birth of Pakistan, its eastern parts were deprived of much in comparison to the West and 23 years before the birth of independent Bangladesh, the history of exploitation and deprivation of East Pakistan by West Pakistan.

History of the Tribulation in East Pakistan
Economic discrimination

East Pakistan had economic disparities with East Pakistan. The lion's share of the total national budget was allocated for West Pakistan. Pakistan's main ruling group was West Pakistan. Western rulers continued to behave towards East Pakistan. East Pakistan is a victim of extreme economic deprivation. For this reason the people of East Pakistan became frustrated with Pakistan and began to get angry with the people.

Language movement

The background of Bangladesh's war of liberation was seen in the beginning of the birth of Pakistan in 1947, the West Pakistan's exploitation was prevalent. Not only economic exploitation, oppression started on Bengali culture and tradition and its first example was established when Pakistan's father Mohammad Ali Jinnah came to Dhaka and declared "Urdu and Urdu only will be the state language of Pakistan". At the same time the Bengalis of East Pakistan were bursting in protest against this announcement. This movement became the toughest form for the language of 21 February 1952. Many people including Salam, Barkat, Rafiq, Jabbar and others were killed in police firing. In the year 1956, the Pakistani rulers were to recognize Bangla as one of the state languages ​​of Pakistan. Today World February 21st is celebrated as International Mother Language Day.

Military inequality

The Bengalis were neglected in the Pakistani military. Only five percent of the army in different parts of the armed forces were Bengali officers and most of them were in the technical or management position. Very few Bengali officers got the opportunity to get the mandatory position. West Pakistanis believed that the Bengalis were not "brave" like Pashtun or Punjabi. Though a huge portion of Pakistan's budget was allocated in the military sector, East Pakistan could only get the benefits. In 1965, India-Pakistan war with Kashmir increased the feeling of insecurity among the Bangalis.

Political inequality

In spite of being a major part of Pakistan's East Pakistan in terms of population, the political power of the country is dominated by West Pakistan. Due to the favoritism of East Pakistan on the basis of population, West Pakistan initiated a new concept named "One Unit Theory", where entire West Pakistan was considered as a province. Its sole purpose was to bring the balance of the vote in East and West parts of Pakistan. Interestingly, after the independence of Bangladesh, the Punjab province proposed that a vote should be held on the basis of direct distribution of population in Pakistan, because Punjabi was majority in comparison to Sindhi, Pashtun, Baloch or any other tribe of Pakistan. From the very beginning the conspiracy was started in Pakistan in the name of governance, and the main force played a part in this conspiracy. Whenever any leader of East Pakistan, such as Khwaja Nazimuddin, Mohammad Ali Bogra, or Hussein Shahid Suhrawardy was elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, the West Pakistanis had deposed them on some pretext. Taking advantage of the turbulence, General Ayub Khan assumed power in Pakistan in 1958, and his dictatorial rule continued in Pakistan for 11 years. Occupying this immoral power of the military rulers of West Pakistan continued to increase the distances between East and West Pakistan.

1970 cyclone response

On November 12, 1970, Bhola's Cyclone caused strong tidal surge in coastal areas of East Pakistan, as well as about 300,000 to 5,00,000 people died due to tides. Although the exact number of casualties is not known, it is considered one of the deadliest hurricanes in history. But the Pakistani military government lingers on managing emergency relief after such a terrible natural disaster. Those who survived after cyclone died due to lack of food and water. A week after the cyclone, President Yahya Khan admitted that the government was unable to understand the horror of the disaster and it was not possible to handle the relief operation properly. The general public of East Pakistan got angry after seeing the cruelty of the government of Pakistan against the people who were hurting the cyclone. In a meeting on 24th November Maulana Bhasani accused the President of Pakistan of inefficiency and immediately demanded his resignation. For the first time in history a natural phenomenon has become one of the reasons for civil war in a country.

1970s election

The political situation in Pakistan faced the final drama when East Pakistan Awami League, the largest party in East Pakistan, achieved the absolute majority in Pakistan's first general election. The party won 167 seats from East Pakistan's 169 seats and got a majority in the 313-seat National Assembly, which gave Awami League the right to form the government. But Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the leader of Pakistan's People's Party, the second majority in the election, opposed Sheikh Mujib as the prime minister of Pakistan. He proposed that there will be two Prime Ministers for Pakistan's two provinces. Such an innovative proposal among the people of East Pakistan, which is angry with "one unit structure", renewed anger. Bhutto also refused to accept Mujib's 6-point demand. On March 3, these two East and West Parties met in Dhaka to discuss the fate of the country along with the President of Pakistan. But the meeting is not fruitful. Mujib called the strike all over the country. On 7th March 1971 Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman gave a historic speech at the Race Course Maidan (present Suhrawardy Udyan) in Dhaka. In this speech he submitted a four-point demand for implementation before the session of the National Assembly on March 25th:

  1. Immediate martial law 'to be withdrawn.

  2. The military must go back to the barracks.

  3. The exact number of people killed will be searched.

  4. Before the session of the National Assembly on March 25, the power will be handed over to elected representatives.

In his historic speech Sheikh Mujib declared, "This struggle is our struggle for freedom, this struggle is the struggle for independence". His speech made the whole nation insatiable with the desire of independence.
Awami League, led by Sheikh Mujib, gained the right to form government by winning the general elections held in 1970, but the Pakistani military government was not ready to give up the power to the people of East Pakistan. Although the date of the session of the National Assembly was scheduled in Dhaka on 3 March, but inside, Pakistan's President Yahya Khan started selling blue plates of conspiracy with Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the leader of the West Pakistan and the officers of the military. On 1 March 1971, the scheduled session was canceled without any reason. The decision that exacerbated the end of the patience of the people of East Pakistan exceeds the end. Protests in the country are a blast. Dhaka became a rallying place in the city. Bangabandhu called for a 5-day nationwide strike and non-cooperation movement across the country. In his call, East Pakistan became virtually stagnant. The military government has tried to control the situation by issuing curfew but can not be removed from the Bangalis highway by threatening bullets. Bangabandhu gave his historic speech at the Race Course ground on 7 March after 5 days of hartal.

Mujib-Yahya meeting

When the whole country became angry, Yahya Khan came to Dhaka and started discussions with Sheikh Mujib about forming the government and handing over power. But at the same time the army took pre-ceremonies of genocide in East Pakistan. General Tikka Khan, known as the Butcher of Baluchistan, was sent to Dhaka as the governor of East Pakistan, but no Bengali judge refused to accept his oath.
In East Pakistan soldiers and weapons were being brought. From March 10 to 13, Pakistan Airlines canceled all their international flights, and in the event of "urgent travel" in East Pakistan, the "public transport". Almost all of these "public passengers" were soldiers of the Pakistani military in a shawl.
A Pakistani ship loaded with ammunition and ammunition, called MV Swat, entered the port of Chittagong. But the sailors and workers of the port refused to accept the goods. A group of East Pakistan Rifles refused to launch a firing on Bengali protesters, through which the Bengali soldiers revolted. Mujib-Yahya meeting is not successful in spite of many hopes. On March 25, Pakistan President Yahya Khan traveled to West Pakistan secretly in the evening giving a green signal to the Pakistani military for killing Bangali.

The genocide and civil war erupted

On March 25, the Pakistan Army started Operation Searchlight named massacre. According to the Asia Times,
In the meeting with the senior army officers, Yahya Khan announced that "kill 30 million Bengalis, and they will laugh us." As planned, the Pakistani Army launched Operation Searchlight on the night of March 25, which was aimed at crushing Bengali resistance. As part of this, the Bengali members of the army were disarmed, the students and intellectuals were destroyed and civilians were killed indiscriminately throughout Bangladesh.

Foreign journalists were forced to resign as early as March 25 before the killings reached the other countries of the world. Still, journalist Symon Dring had told the massacre of the whole world through the Washington Post, staying in Dhaka with the risk of life. Although the main focus of this massacre was Dhaka, the killing of the Bengali people was carried out all over the country. Residential houses of the University of Dhaka were their special targets. The only Hindu resident hall - the Pakistani army completely destroyed Jagannath Hall In this, 600 to 700 resident students were killed. Although the Pakistani army denied any kind of cold-blooded murder in the university, according to the Hamidur Rahman Commission, the Pakistan army used force in the university. Professor Nurul Ula of East Pakistan University of Engineering and Technology (now BUET), presents the images of the killings of Pakistanis in Jagannath Hall and other student halls. In entire Bangladesh, Hindu areas are facing significant losses. Before midnight, Dhaka was completely burnt, especially in the eastern part of the Hindu main areas. According to the Time magazine's report on 2nd August, 1971, "Hindus, who were three-quarters of the total refugees, carrying rage and aggression of the Pakistani military".

Declaration of independence

Mahbubur Rahman Jalal, a freedom fighter and freedom fighter in Texas, said that according to the information obtained from various sources and documents, that the declaration of independence of Bangladesh was announced by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman at the first hour of March 26, which was declared by him or anyone Long before giving. Yahya was secretly defeated by Mujib and Yahya in March 25. De back. And after the genocide, Pakistani soldiers arrested Bangabandhu and his five trusted assistant on that night. Before the arrester, he wrote the declaration of Bangladesh's independence. The translation of the original announcement is as follows
That may be my last message, from today onwards Bangladesh is free. I call upon the people of Bangladesh, wherever you live, all of your occupation army
Continue to fight against the end. Expire the last Pakistani soldier from the soil of Bangladesh and continue your war till the final victory is achieved.

Declaration through different

From March 25, the Pakistani army was blocking all the journalists who were staying at Hotel InterContinental Dhaka in Dhaka for two days. It was announced from Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra that "Sheikh Mujib declared 60 million people in East Pakistan as a citizen of independent sovereign Bangla country". There has been a widespread controversy over who was the original announcer of Independence for more than three decades. For this reason a history book was officially published in 1982 so that 3 topics were presented.

  1. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman wrote a Declaration on March 25 in the middle of March or 26 March in the first hour.

  2. The declaration of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was disseminated from the Swadhin Bangla Betar Kendra on 26th. But a limited number of people had heard that broadcast.

  3. Major Ziaur Rahman of East Bengal Regiment announced independence from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on March 27th from Kalurghat in Chittagong. Which promotes international media, therefore the world knows about the declaration of independence of Bangladesh. The declaration was as follows:
    “On behalf of our great national leader, supreme commander of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujibur Rahman do hereby proclaim the independence of Bangladesh. It is further proclaimed that Sheikh Mujibor Rahman is sole leader of elected representatives of 75 million people of Bangladesh. I therefore appeal on behalf of our great leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to the government of all democratic countries of the world specially big world part and neighboring countries to take effective steps to stop immediately. The awful genocide that has been carried on by the army of occupation from Pakistan. The legally elected representatives of the majority of the people as repressionist, it is cruel joke and contradiction in terms which should be fool none. The guiding principle of a new step will be first neutrality, second peace and third friendship to all and anonymity to none. ─ May Allah help us, Jai Bangla.”

Temporary government structure
On April 17, 1971, the temporary government of Bangladesh was established to manage the war of liberation, in the village of Bhabarpara (present day Mujibnagar) under Baidyanathtala of Meherpur subdivision of Kushtia district (now presently district). In the absence of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the government was formed by making him the President. Syed Nazrul Islam took over the responsibility of the provisional President and Tajuddin Ahmed was given the responsibility of the Prime Minister. The first government of Bangladesh started officially taking the oath before a native and foreign journalist. Through the proclamation of the declaration of independence on this oath taking ceremony, Bangladesh has been formally declared as an independent sovereign state since March 26.
Soon after August, a large number of freedom fighters used to attack the Pakistani military and their collaborators in various places of Bangladesh in guerrilla manner. From the military base to the military, the military establishment becomes a target of the freedom fighters of roads, gates, bridges, culvert etc. to separate communication. Guerrilla warriors, who were trained in short-term training guerrillas in Pakistan's guerrillas, attacked the Pakistani military's military. Even in capital Dhaka, Crat Platoon carried out all daring campaigns. On 16 August 1971, the naval commandos destroyed the Pakistani warships mines anchored in Chittagong port through operation jackpot. Gradually, different areas of Bangladesh started to be liberated.

Liberation war: from July to September

After the massacre in Dhaka, Pakistani forces planned to bring their own country to Bangladesh by April 10th. But members of Bangladesh's armed forces and students and general public raised strong resistance against them. Members of the Bengali army and members of the EPR revolted in Chittagong and took control of the large parts of the city. To control the city of Chittagong, the Pakistani army has to shell out the warships and to launch an air strike. In the district of Kushtia, Pabna, Bogra, Dinajpur, Bengali soldiers revolted and took control. Later, Pakistanis occupied these freedoms by the end of May, due to a large number of soldiers and weapons.
From the end of March, Pakistani military started spreading in the countryside of Bangladesh. Awami League activists and Hindus are especially victims of their anger. People in the group started flying towards India's border. This stream of refugees, which began in April, continued until November and at that time nearly 10 million refugees took shelter in India.

Battlefield structure

The first phase of the War of Liberation was planned and unprotected. Resistance began all over the country on 26th of March and the beginning of April, the exile government was formed. But arms and training - for two reasons, the struggle for independence of Bangladesh goes beyond the month of June to get a planned form. The military command of Bangladesh was created on 11 July. Colonel MAG Osmani was given commander-in-chief, Lieutenant Colonel Abdur Rab as Chief of Army Staff and Group Captain AK Khandker deputy chief of army staff and chief of air force. Bangladesh is divided into 11 sectors, and one of the commanders of the officers fleeing Pakistan Army, each commander is selected for each. Sector No. 1, Major Ziaur Rahman (April-June), Major Rafiqul Islam (June-December) Sector Noakhali District, Akhaura-Bhairab Railway line of Comilla District and part of Faridpur and Dhaka Special Major Khaled Musharraf (April) from Chittagong and Chittagong Hill Tracts to Feni -September), Major ATM Haider (September-December).
Sector No 3, Habiganj subdivision of Sylhet district, Kishoreganj subdivision, Akhaura-Bhairab railway line, part of Comilla and Dhaka districts on the northeast, special Major K.M. Shafiullah (April-September), Major ANM Nuruzzaman (September-December).
Sector No. 4 Sector Sylhet district East and north except Khoyai-Shayestaganj railway line on the east and north side Sylhet-Dauki road Major CRData sector 5 Sylhet-Dauki road from the entire north and west of Sylhet district Mir Shawkat Ali.
Sector 6 is the entire Rangpur district and Thakurgaon subdivision of the Dinajpur district Wing Commander MK Basha 7 Sector of the district Dinajpur, Bogra, Rajshahi and Pabna Major Major Kazi Nuruzzaman.
Sector 8 is the district of Kushtia and Jessore, most of Faridpur and the northern part of Daulatpur-Satkhira road, Major Abu Osman Chowdhury (April-August), Major MA. Manzur (August-December).
Sector 9 is from Daulatpur-Satkhira road, Khulna southern and entire Barisal and Patuakhali districts Major MA. Jalil (the first half of April-December), Major Zainul Abedin (the remaining day of December).
No sector 10 has no regional boundaries. Made up of navy commandos. Enemy ships were sent to different sectors to destroy.
Majority of the sector excluding Kishoreganj subdivision, except the Kishoreganj subdivision, the entire Mymensingh and Tangail districts and from Nagarbari-Aricha to Fulchhari-Bahadurabad, Jamuna river and coast region Major Ziaur Rahman (June-October), Major Abu Taher (October-November), Flight Lieutenant M Hamidullah (November-December) ).
Tangail sector is the whole of Tangail district, in addition to Mymensingh and part of Dhaka district Kader Siddiqui.
Akashpath Bangladesh's entire airspace group Captain AK Khandaker
The sector 10 was under the direct supervision of the Commander-in-Chief (C-in-C), which included the special forces of the Navy and the C-in-Se. However, there was no suitable officer, sector no 11 (naval sector) was not a sector commander; When the freedom fighters of this sector used to operate in the sector, they were under the Sector Commander of the Sector. Most of the training camps of the freedom fighters were in border areas and with the help of India the freedom fighters were trained. Three brigades (11 battalions) were created to fight the war. About 1,000 freedom fighters were also sent to different operations within the country through guerilla training. Historical attacks started in August, this operation in history is known as Operation Jackpot.

Liberation War: From October to December

Through the intense attack of the Mukti Bahini, the border posts begin to occupy one by one. Regular forces of Bangladesh attacked Border posts such as Kamalpur, Bilonia, Boyra and occupied 90 of the 307 posts. As well as the guerrilla force attacks became intensely. Regular activities of Pakistani forces and their collaborators Razakar forces were to oppress common people and torture patriotic Bengali people. In response to the fierce attack of the freedom fighters at the border and inside the country, they increased the level of torture. But in the end of October, the freedom fighters faced strong resistance and they feared to leave their military base in the daytime. Under such circumstance, 5 battalion soldiers were summoned from West Pakistan on an urgent basis.

India-Pakistan War

The Pakistani military's situation gradually became so miserable that the independence of the freedom fighters and the counter-attacks, which led to the war against India on December 3, in order to lead the event in a different way without seeing the circumstances. On 3 December 1971, on December 3, Radio Pakistan briefly broadcast a special news that 'India started attacking across the border with West Pakistan. The details are still coming. "Twelve minutes from Peshawar airport, five firefighters flew to Srinagar and Anantapur in Kashmir and eight Meeraj flights from Sargoda Airfield flew to Amritsar and Pathankot. Two warships are sent specifically to hit Agra in the depths of India. A total of 32 fighters took part in this attack. In the afternoon, on December 3, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi spoke at a huge public rally in Kolkata's Brigade Parade grounds, the air strikes in Pakistan started in the air bases of India. Immediately he returned to Delhi. Shortly after midnight, after the emergency meeting, he declared an emergency and said, "The war that has been going on in Bangladesh has become a war against India." India also announced a war against Pakistan and resisted Pakistan's attacks on their western border. India's military joins the Liberation Force of Bangladesh and jointly enters Bangladesh. From December 4th, the Indian mission of the Indian Army started from four zones: (1) Before the 4th Corps Sylhet-Brahmanbaria-Comilla-Noakhali formed from Tripura State in three divisions. ; (2) Rangpur-Dinajpur-Bogra towards the 33rd core of the two divisions of northern region; (3) The second core of the western part of the two divisions of Jessore-Khulna-Kushtia-Faridpur; And (4) Less than the division of Tuura in Meghalaya state and one army towards Jamalpur-Mymensingh. In the face of strong attack of the Joint Forces, the Pakistanis started retreating from border areas of the country. The Pakistani bases continued to fall apart. Pakistanis mobilized their military power in a few places; The joint forces continued to move towards Dhaka very fast. The people of Bangladesh came forward with the help of the freedom fighters in spontaneously. Within 13 days of declaration of war, the Joint Forces reached Dhaka's doorstep. Earlier, the aircrafts of the All Air Force Base in Dhaka were crashed by defeating Pakistani air force by air strikes. The then Pakistani senior officials received assurances from West Pakistan that aid will come from North America and China from the north, but they can not be found in reality.

The surrender and conquest of the Pakistan army

India is directly involved in the liberation war of Bangladesh in early December. In the face of a joint attack by the freedom fighters and the Indian military, the Pakistani military forces, which are already in the process, decided to surrender. On 16th December, Pakistan has officially surrendered with 93,000 troops in Race Course ground. The nine-month long bloody liberation war ended; Bangladesh was the first independent state of the country to establish Bangladesh.
In a message on December 9, the governor Malik told the Pakistani president, "The military situation has become fragile. The enemy has come to Faridpur in the west and had already reached the Meghna River in Laksam and Comilla by passing our army. If external help does not come, then the enemy will reach the outskirts of Dhaka any day. Consider again a ceasefire and political solution. "On December 10, Governor's Military Advisor Major General Rao Farman Ali and Chief Secretary Muzaffar Hossain Cantonment discussed the details with General Niazi and handed over the 'surrender' application to the UN representative in Dhaka. Do it.

This, however, uses the word "Arsenharna" instead of the word surrender. This petition was further written,
'Since the crisis has arisen due to political reasons, so the political solution must be resolved by it. I was so authorized by the President of Pakistan to call upon elected elected representatives of East Pakistan to form a government in Dhaka. I urge the United Nations to take steps for peaceful transfer of power.

This petition was given to UN representative Paul Mark Henri in Dhaka. The message in the Pakistani colony is known as the owner-farman Ali message. The next day it was withdrawn again.

The freedom fighters and the Indian army surrounded Dhaka and called for the Pakistan army to surrender. Due to the bombing of the governor's house (present Bangabhaban), Pakistan's ruling Awami League government led by Governor Malik has already resigned and took refuge in Hotel Inter Continental (current hotel Sheraton). Lifting leaflets kept continuously from the sky, calling for peaceful resumption of time.

Eventually, on the request of Niazi, on December 15, the Indian air strikes were postponed to five and a half hours from 5:30 in the morning. Earlier in the morning, before the end of the firing period, Major General Rao Farman Ali urged the Indian military authorities to increase the deadline for the temporary ceasefire for another six hours and send a staff officer to India, to determine the arrangements for arms surrender. Before sending this message, however, Major General Nagar Bahini accompanied Kader Siddiqui Bahini to Mirpur Bridge and urged Nagra Niazi to surrender. After the intention of Niazi's surrender, Nagar Bahini enters Dhaka city with the freedom fighters at 10:40 am. In order to finalize the surrender documents and related programs of Pakistanis, Chief of staff of the Indian Eastern Command, Major General Zaikk arrived in Dhaka on Monday. Before four o'clock in the afternoon, four regular battalion soldiers, including two units of Bangladesh Regular Force, entered Dhaka. With thousands of freedom fighters The popular streets of Dhaka started to grow crowded and the 'Joy Bangla' crowded the crowd. Chief of India's Eastern Command and Leader of the India-Bangladesh Joint Command, Lt. General Jagjit Singh Arora, Bangladesh's Deputy Chief of Staff Group Captain Abdul Karim Khondaker and representatives from other Indian Armed Forces arrived in Dhaka at 4 pm. Later, Indira Gandhi, on behalf of the Indian side in both East and West Rangana To declare a ceasefire alone.
On December 16, at the Racecourse grounds (present Suhrawardy Udyan), the commander of the Pakistan Army, Leh, J.A. At the Who has signed the surrender document in front of thousands of happy Niazi people. About 93,000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered, the biggest surrender ceremony after World War II. Bangladesh has won many desirable victories nine months after the war began. The Pakistan army surrendered on 16 December, but until 22 December, all the Pakistanis surrendered across the country. On the day of surrender of the Pakistani army, the seventh fleet entered the southern end of the Bay of Bengal. But Bangladesh is completely free from Pakistan occupation, then it is completely free from Pakistan occupation.

Diplomacy in the United Nations

On December 4th, in Washington, Henry Kissinger prepares to present US proposal involving a ceasefire and demand for withdrawal of troops in the session convened by the Security Council. The US State Department blamed India mainly for the conflict in the sub-continent in a statement. Following the start of the Security Council session, US Representative George HW Bush immediately announced a ceasefire, reinstated India and Pakistan troops within their own borders and to give a power to the United Nations Secretary General to implement the decision. The Soviet delegation applied veto by calling this proposal "one-sided". Poland voted against the proposal. France and Britain abstained in voting. On December 5, the Security Council re-assembled in the Soviet Union, a resolution called 'political settlement' in East Pakistan, that would end the current conflict and the situation in which the situation deteriorated due to the Pak army It is necessary to stop the resolution. Only the Polish proposal is supported Ray. China voted against. All other members abstained from voting. On that day another proposal was raised by the Security Council on behalf of eight more countries to withdraw ceasefire and withdrawal of troops. Now the Soviet Union applies its second veto. At the same time, in a statement by the CAS, the Soviet government demanded the political solution of the crisis "on the basis of the legitimate rights and rights of the people of East Bengal", saying that the conflict was related to the Soviet border as it was involved in the question of Soviet security, and was determined to prevent the deterioration of the situation. Twenty one to avoid getting involved with any of the parties Call on all countries of the world.

International recognition

On December 6th, the Indian government officially informed about diplomatic recognition of Bangladesh. "During the eleventh hour 'All India Radio' was declared that India declared Bangladesh as a sovereign state. Indira Gandhi, while proposing a proposal to recognize the People's Republic of Bangladesh in the Special Parliament of India, said, "The united revolt of all the people of Bangladesh and the success of that struggle has gradually made it clear that the so-called mother country is completely incapable of bringing Bangladesh back to its control. Regarding the legitimacy of Bangladesh government, the whole world is now aware that they reflect the desire of the vast majority of the people, as many governments representing the people can not claim. According to Jefferson's many famous statements to Governor Morris, the government of Bangladesh is supported by 'the desire of the nation fully proclaimed by Will of the Nation'. In this trial, the military government of Pakistan, many countries who specially wish to greet, even the people of West Pakistan do not represent. "
On 4 December, Bangladesh's temporary President Syed Nazrul Islam and Prime Minister Tajuddin Ahmed jointly sent a letter urging Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. In response to the Bangladesh government's letter dated December 4, Indira Gandhi sent a certificate about the acceptance of Bangladeshi Prime Minister Tajuddin Ahmed to Bangladesh. The following is the following:
"The truth is convinced Prime Minister, New Delhi, December 6, 1971 Dear Prime Minister, Chief of External Affairs Syed Nazrul Islam and my colleagues were deeply impressed by the Indian government that you sent me on 4th December. After getting this letter, the Government of India has re-considered the request for recognition to your discreet leadership-led government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. I gladly agreed that the Indian government has decided to approve the acceptance of the situation in light of the prevailing situation. I'm connected to a copy. Your trusted Indira Gandhi. "


During the war of liberation, the atrocities of history in Bangladesh were executed. On the night of 25th March, the destruction of the Operation Searchlight launched by the Pakistan army lasted until the liberation of Bangladesh and a large number of Bengali people were killed with the help of some Bangladeshi assailants.
Various statistics are available in the media about how many people lost their lives during the liberation war. In the world of various encyclopaedia and books, this number has been mentioned from 2,00,000 to 30,00,000. The number of martyrs in the liberation war in Bangladesh is estimated to be 30,00,000. About 10 million refugees took shelter in India during the war, which would have been victims of genocide if they did not leave the country. On the eve of independence on December 14, Razakars Al-Badar and Al-Shams' forces, in the direction of the Pakistan Army, about 300 intellectuals of Bangladesh - including teachers, doctors, engineers, artists, poets, writers, scientists - were captured and killed brutally. Bangladeshi treacherous Razakars understand the consequences of the war at the beginning of December and the independence of the country Planned before the causes of the killings. Their main purpose was to stop the progress of newly independent Bangladesh by killing intellectuals. The body of the intellectuals killed on December 14, was dropped in different mass grabs, among which one of Rayerbazar's mass killing site (now the intellectuals building in the mass grave has been built). Later, several mass graves and mass graves were discovered in different places in Dhaka and Bangladesh, and sometimes new mass killing areas were discovered (for example in the non-Bengali areas in Dhaka, a mass grave was found in a well in August 1999). The American consulate located in Bangkok is located in the US State Department The telegram sent to University students and the general public to mention the brutal murder on the run.
During the war of liberation, a large number of Bengali women lost their honor; Whose exact number is not known. In Bangladesh it is estimated that about 200,000 women were raped during the liberation war and many mothers were born in their womb. Within the Dhaka Cantonment, the Pakistan army captured a large number of girls, most of them students of Dhaka University and the daughters of general families.

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