Only Tread On Me A Little Bit...Please

in #liberty3 years ago

My last post from my Montana visit with family

I always love returning to my home state. Especially the rural country of Montana. On this trip one major thing on the Agenda was taking my son to see the new Spiderman movie with his grandparents. While there I saw numerous personal property use permission slips a.k.a. license plates with the infamous snake and words, "don't tread on me". While walking through the parking lot of the theater I burst out laughing at the first one I saw. My parent's were very confused. I pointed at one of 4 in a small area and laughed again, saying you guys don't see the irony of those plates? They gave me a blank stare back. It pains me that people don't see this. I laid it out as simply as I could to them. Stating whoever drives this car is saying "don't tread on me," while asking permission to use their own personal property and not violate the non aggression principle. They still looked at me with a blank stare. Then I made it at simple as possible, telling them, the owner of the car is being tread on by asking to use their property. They shouldn't have to ask. They finally got it.


Montanan's are a rugged bunch willing and ready to endure harsh winters so they can live in the unspoiled beauty of nature in what we refer to as "the last best place". I left 24 years ago in search of something new that I had not yet experienced in my brief 18 years growing up in the big sky state. It only took a few years of living in southern Texas to find an appreciation for the simplicity of life in rural Montana that you can't seem to find in other places(although Wyoming might be close). Since I have left my humble and small hometown of Bozeman, MT has undergone sweeping changes and now feels like a getaway for the rich who bring their city values to the "last best place". I don't believe their intention is to change it, but an influx of money tends to do that in our society that rewards fiat wealth rather than things that really matter like community.


Since I have left I can see the division of the old way and the new. People move in and want the conveniences of where they came from. They don't seem to realize that these "conveniences" change the Montana that drew them there to "get away from it all". Covid has made this more apparent than ever. People here just want to be left alone but the influx of fiat currency has drawn funds from the predator class with strings attached. This has forced the native Montanan's into quite a conundrum. Do they follow the old way of belonging to a community and supporting each other regardless of philosophical differences or do they chase fiat currency and invite the support of the state and it's monopolized use of force?


For my fellow Montanan's I have one final thought for you to ponder. Well, I guess in reality I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes from Frederick Douglass.

"I have found that, to make a contented slave, it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason. He must be able to detect no inconsistencies in slavery; he must be made to feel that slavery is right; and he can be brought to that only when he ceased to be a man.”
― Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass


Happy Holidays from Montana!

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