Tom Lacovara: Covering My Six #OregonStandoff

in #liberty7 years ago (edited)

Ammon Bundy and Tom Lacovara

What you see on the news and social media regarding the #BattleofBunkerville and #OregonStandoff will not even remotely touch the actual truth of the matter. Many of us who stood are hemmed up in other states on false charges. Unfortunately, backdoor censorship has now become mainstream and a drugged and distracted public is accepting it as the new norm. What if I were to tell you that a man who stood with me at Malheur was set up, arrested, and convicted in another state? I’d like to think that you would believe me, but again, as always, I will prove to you what I am saying and introduce to Steemit, my friend and brother, Thomas Lacovara @rtrtruthmedia. Lacovara is an investigative journalist, radio talk show host of the "Resurrect the Republic Radio Show" and freedom activist. I do not remember whether or not Tom was already there when I arrived, but I do know what happened while we were there together. We talked every day, worked together and, though dozens who came and went gave me an ominous feelings, Tom was not one.

How I met Tom
I was making my way through the Bunkhouse looking for some food as I had not slept or eaten in quite some time and was having a hard time getting to the refrigerator because Melissa Cooper and Terri Linnell were busy bickering over who was a better cook or something similarly stupid and was about to give up and go to sleep when a man in a black stetson pushed his way between them, loaded up a plate with a ton of meat and fried potatoes and then handed it to me and asked me if I needed any coffee.
We sat down and got to talking and immediately hit it off and he showed me his media center and some videos he was working on for his network, and shared some of the content of his radio show. I thanked him and we hung out until my next rotation and I didn’t see him again for a few days.

Introduction-A Day At Bundy’s
One particularly long night of low flying drones, perimeter patrols and a lack of earsplitting coyote howling (which meant men were moving in the sage brush outside our perimeter) I was taking a rest between patrols listening to Tom explain the plight of the Hammonds to a new arrival. He then took out a DVD titled "A Day At Bundy’s" by Dennis Michael Lynch. I knew people who had been present as militia at Bundy Ranch in 2014, and I knew the basic story; but this video was a whole new angle that I had not seen and we spent the rest of the night discussing it and the other standups that lead up to us arriving at Malheur. He was soft spoken, eloquent and a voice of reason. I have never once heard him advocating for violence, criminal mischief or otherwise nonsensical acts, as would later be attempted by those who feared the circulation of Tom and LaVoy Finicum's video of the Desecration of Native American Artifacts by the Federal Government.

The reality is quite the contrary, which leads me to my final memory of Tom.

The Truck
Each night spent at Malheur got progressively more dangerous. It wasn’t sudden events. If you envisioned a seven day stretch as a bar graph, there was an even steady increase in the amount of psyops and visual contact made with the FBI and the mercenaries contracted by them. On one particular night, I was sleeping in my bunk but for some reason I could still hear and comprehend what was on the radios while I slept. Each SALUTE report broadcast woke me up and soon I decided it was time to kit up and wait for enemy contact. I spent the next 3 hours on the sofa next to Tom, who manned the radio, asleep with the butt of my rifle on the floor, and my forehead resting on the bipod, until a report of negative contact was made. Front gate was reporting that a pickup truck had stopped on the road and the driver pointed a scoped rifle at him and took off when he grabbed cover and he was requesting QRF. At that time, I charged my rifle and began waking the few members of the militia who were in good enough condition to make contact, which was three. I asked for one more man and Tom volunteered. The HQ radio was handed off and we hit the front gate within seconds, where Jon Ritzheimer and the sentry were waiting for us behind cover. I instructed the QRF to give me a 180 degree field of fire with interlocking sectors and to charge their weapons and place them on “safe” and that the order to fire would be given only by Geoff Stanek. Tom was directly behind me at our sixes, as I instructed, as he was the highest medically trained member of the team, and would serve as a medic should any of us be wounded. At this time, Jon Ritzheimer decided to make contact solo and fifteen tense minutes passed before he returned. When he did, a pickup truck followed and he told us that it was the neighboring rancher, that he had invited him to front gate to stand at the fire and get to know us and that he was “drunk and harmless.” I wish this were the case. We have good reason to believe this was a ruse. As the “rancher” pulled his truck to the pickup truck we called “front gate” he talked loudly with slurred speech and turned off his engine. I was still directly behind the utility box of “front gate” and when his truck came to a halt I quickly moved between the two vehicles to get behind him and secure his weapon until I could ascertain if he was in fact sober and who he said he was. At that exact moment, he stood on the floorboard hanging out the door as if he was exiting the truck and released the brake and the truck immediately rolled at a high rate of speed down the incline at me. Wearing nearly 80 pounds of gear, having forward momentum and suffering heavily from fatigue there was no time to react and I attempted to move forward faster. Abruptly I felt two sets of hands on my vest and shoulders and I was jerked back as the pickup truck collided with the parked truck. Before my feet were planted on the ground the now completely sober and likely faux “rancher” had his engine started and was in reverse and peeled out of the lot and sped off towards the Narrows. The two men who pulled me back were Tom Lacovara and Jon Ritzhemer. That night was the last time I remember seeing Tom. Tom is one of my personal heroes. If it weren’t for his quick action I would have died a slow and painful death, crushed between 14,000 pounds of steel. That event would also have been the “lone wolf” style attack that would have been needed to justify an assault on the Refuge. He said he had my 6, and he never abandoned that post, nor did anyone else. We were brothers then, and are brothers forever.

front gate.jpg
The truck lovingly referred to as "front gate." I have circled the location where the damage from the collision occured. No photo of this damage exists to my knowledge. This location was fortified with concrete and wood pilings days after this photo was taken.

Today, Tom sits in a federal halfway house in Oregon, awaiting release. He has not seen his home since early 2016. This would appear to be a normal transgression for someone convicted of a role in the #OregonStandoff were it not for the fact that FBI informant “MD Laughter” set him up and had him arrested for being in possession of a Firearm that she herself placed in a location, went to the FBI and reported him to be armed and dangerously unstable. Yet she placed this alleged "unstable individual in possession not only with said firearm, but with high capacity magazines and extra ammunition which ended up enhancing his charges. Tom has not “officially” been charged in connection with Malheur and he IS convicted and held in Oregon. Tom was not even armed at the time of his arrest!

Quoting the linked WND article:

Tom Lacovara hosts the Internet show “Resurrect the Republic Broadcasting” and produced “Dirty Uncle Sam” radio, with various contributors. Although he claimed to be in Burns in a media capacity only, Lacovara was arrested at Philadelphia in December 2016, almost a year after the occupation ended. He was charged as a “felon in possession of a gun,” although he was unarmed when detained. As the first trials began in Oregon last fall, Lacovara penned articles in support of Malheur defendants. Shortly before his arrest, he made scathing videos charging the government with collusion to deny Cooper competent counsel as well as of outright lying. After his arraignment, Lacovara was sent to Oregon, where he awaits his own trial.

Tom was arrested in New Jersey while traveling back to Florida, where he was Campaign Manager of a Floridian Congressional Campaign, registered with the Federal Elections Commission and managing a horse ranch in Ocala, under sealed indictment; while posting location, invitation to meet and greet on behalf of the campaign and the ranch. Tom was never informed of the sealed indictment nor given an opportunity to turn himself in and was denied all bail for being a "flight risk", after being denied the opportunity to post $100,000 property for his bond. You don’t need me to tell you why this has happened, do you? Yes, I do!

Informants: "MD Laughter"
With all that we've already covered, it would be easy enough for me to just tell you what the truth is regarding "MD Laughter" and her role in setting up Tom. But why would I do that when I can take it a step further and prove that her name depends on how many typos she makes setting up fake accounts on Facebook? Watch me do this.

Aliases, aliases, aliases...I'll just call her 338578CB7 since Melissa Smith is as unattractive a name as she is a female.

The simple fact is that "Laughter" placed the firearms and ammunition in the location that she then reported to the FBI, calling Tom in as "armed and dangerous." For someone with a criminal history establishing a habitual pattern of dishonesty, she should not be pointing the finger at anyone. No honor among slutty alcoholic thieves, right 338578CB7?

338578CB7 gets honorable mention with the weapons she planted.

Nationwide, those of us who stood at Malheur, militia or not, have been pursued, set up and charged at state level in Kansas, Florida, Colorado, Oregon and Wisconsin. Brandon Dowd, Karl Koenigs, Tom Lacovara-Stewart, Bruce Doucette and myself all face both misdemeanor and felony charges. Tom and Brandon have been wrongly convicted. Bruce Doucette faces over 30 federal charges for simply contracting to offer an alternative to the Admiralty Law court system as Judith Schienlin, Greg Mathis and Nancy Grace have done. Apparently this is a crime if it’s not part of the bread and circuses meant to appease the masses. Some are clearly more equal than others.


This formatting is really bothering me. After a dozen or so tries to hyperlink to the trailer for the DML film I give up...

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