Charlotteville Setup: Antifa BLM & KKK arriving together?

in #liberty7 years ago (edited)

I might be some dumb, but I aint plum dumb!

This guy is asking the right questions. This whole thing is theater and it cost someone their lives.

Somebody tryin' make ya'll divide, for some reason!

People running around calling themselves anarcho-communists, are fucking stupid. Let me tell you, should a communist government be the end result, there will be no anarcho anything, they will be the first people getting free one way helicopter rides.

We need to start thinkin', of a way, to beat the powers that are doin' this. and stop tryin' beat ourselves up.

I think we are just getting warmed up, but I tell you at the speed that things are developing at is pretty scary, I was hoping to be dead before the west became full blown socialist totalitarian regime. People who advocate for this level of oppressive state is beyond my comprehension, and people who think that this will all end in a lovely utopia, where we all get the universal income are fucking deluded.

We already have antifa here in Australia, we ignore them because they are idiotic kids, but we should look to USA to see the danger in ignoring these asshats. The media in USA are in full support of a violent communist organisation, this has got to tell you something, those guys are the establishment. They will be the ones coming around seizing property and businesses, they will be the ones committing atrocities on the population, in USAs "Great Leap Forward". It is estimated that tens of millions of people died during this campaign on a foundation of coercion, terror and systematic violence.

Both sides are the same shit. They are trying to hook you in to choose one side of the Hegelian dialectic. I talk to my professor (from eastern block country) about this stuff all the time. He tells me there is a tipping point, once it is reached, everyone has to accept it and fall in line instantly, no time for resistance, no transition, you just accept it or you are walked out to the forest to never return.


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