UNSUPPORTED OPINION OF THE DAY: "Why Americans Should Give Socialism a Try"

in #liberty6 years ago

"Do or do not...there is no try"- Jedi Master Yoda

I'm all for Americans giving it a try.... on an island away from the rest of us that value humanity.

If they want to recreate economic and cultural suicide, go right ahead. Do it in Chicago...or go try it to fix Flint, Michigan with it. Just leave me out of your little experiment.

That was also one of the shortest and dumbest commentaries I ever read and can't believe it was even printed. She brought up democracy, liberalism, capitalism, and capital, but clearly failed understand what ANY of those words meant. She started out by talking about Trump's capitalism...(18th century mercantilism is not capitalism)

How about instead of "hoping for the best" as your strategy for saving liberalism, you try and actually promote and evangelize neoliberal values?

The failure isn't with the voters or the outcome of an election. I don't know what it's going to take for these people to engage in a little bit of self reflection and humility.

Full Article written by Elizabeth Bruenig whose byline reads

Elizabeth Bruenig is an opinion columnist at The Washington Post.


Personally, I'm in favor of the proposed "Swap a Commie" initiative. Trade socialist Americans to Venezuela for enterprising capitalists. Everybody wins!

I lol'd at "18th century mercantilism is not capitalism." :) very true!

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