Ideas for promoting liberty (include your own in the comments)

in #liberty7 years ago

  • Create podcast/blog targeting your local community announcing news local businesses, little league games, etc. promote it to your local community then when local election come about Interview the local liberty candidates. If it becomes popular it can even be a revenue source by selling ads to local businesses.

  • Volunteer at local charities with your local LP chapter to remind people that LP members are part of the community too

  • Distribute copies of economics in one lesson or the law to the local high school kids, maybe even do a book report contest for the local high school. $500 prize for the best report can incentivize a lot of kids to read and think about what they read.

  • Create a podcast/blog on a niche hobby or interest that discusses the impact of government intervention on that niche.

  • Start a business that targets your local community where a portion of the profits go to improving local issues. Can be a local version of existing businesses marketed with the idea that if local community members patron this business, kids get better education, homeless get fed, etc.


Great ideas, all of them. Even if you can't do anything on that list, if you know someone who is, support them

As a student, I like to just talk about liberty while having drinks with my peers. Just be friendly and open towards others' ideas, and don't try to start fights. Just be an awesome person and don't be afraid to stand up to the crowd! That way many people are interested in what you have to say.

That's some positive stuff! Reminds me of Alex Merced and Larry Sharpe, both great positive Liberty messengers!

I'll check those two names out, never heard of them before! But yeah, positivity is key to gaining interest from others. If you just want to argue, people will just dig in and refuse to be convinced.

I've started a business that has a much broader objective. It's called Liberty Professionals, LLC. The idea is to create a private security company to start. I'm a private investigator and residential security expert.

Others can use the same idea though to do their profession and still call themselves Liberty Professionals. Think of it as a way for liberty lovers to network, help each other, and do business with each other.

Nice. What exactly does your company do? Website? I'm an intelligence officer in the navy transitioning to the civilian world soon.

I was an Intel Analyst in the Army. My part of the company offers PI and residential security consulting. The webpage is still in the works. What work do you plan to do? PI is a good choice!

Just finished my TX Real Estate license. I plan on getting my PMP and ACFE in the next year. Ive got a business degree and an EMBA.

I'd rather not 'work for the government' or do Intel or PERSEC anymore.

I completely understand that feeling, but I love private side security work. I'm teaching people the stuff the police, fire departments, and alarm companies will not teach them. ;-)

Just finished my TX Real Estate license. I plan on getting my PMP and ACFE in the next year. Ive got a business degree and an EMBA.

I'd rather not 'work for the government' or do Intel or PERSEC anymore.

I'll be doing some research on private security for my studies in the coming weeks, so if you're interested, I can see if I can help you in some way!

I would love to read what you find and put together, thanks!

its good article to enterpreneuer to who wants start to a new bussines, thanks for sharing.

Good ideas. I was thinking about some sort of maker spaces to promote community activist projects and philosophy. Maybe even open source the management of them so others can copy and improve upon them.

"maker spaces"? Thanks. I'm interested in starting decentralized things where others can improve. Thanks again!

This post has received a 0.45 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

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