Does the Charlottesville Protest Actually Mean Anything?

in #liberty7 years ago (edited)

By: Grayson LaBar


As some of you may or may not be aware, earlier today in Charlottesville there was a Klu Klux Klan rally in Charlottesville, Virginia where a car ran over protesters. Many were injured and one was killed in the incident, and later on President Donald Trump made a public statement going against the violence.

However, what has this got to do with anything? Well, I'll tell you. And it won't be pretty. When the President came out in his recent statement going against clearing out protesters from busy walkways and streets, he's already started putting our lives in danger. For one, protesters now have an easier tactic to disrupt our everyday lives. What does this mean? Well, if Trump takes the side of the protesters blocking the event, he's now giving them a pass to disrupt our daily lives. We wouldn't be able to walk on our own sidewalks, go to work in the morning, even get medical help if protesters keep blocking our paths and the government believes it's okay. But that's not the worst part about all of this.

The president and the media have failed to see the impact this protest and meeting have had on race relations in Charlottesville. As many of you are well aware, Charlottesvile has been under ginormous amounts of race relation problems in the past years, where some would've called it the Detroit of it's time when such was happening just a year ago! However, since then the aggression has died down. BLM and such groups have not been rioting in the streets for some time now. But this could all change with this very event. The sparks have been reignited. BLM now has more of a purpose than ever to find Trump supporters, right wingers, the KKK, White Nationalists, Libertarians, and more, and getting them all fired, beaten, and even killed. This could affect the entire country, and until our government or anyone else stands against it, we'll have been met with the same fate.

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