Where you are and where you are headed

in #liberty6 years ago


From my days inside Christianity I know how much people love the Dramatic Conversion Story. So much so that the people who would come tell their Dramatic Conversion Story would emphasize that you didn't need to have this kind of story to share. Your true story is good enough as it is.

Well, you also don't have to have been a raging statist before growing up and accepting your responsibility to reject achation. It matters what you are now and where you are headed, not what you were in the past.

My conversion story isn't that dramatic. Sure, I used to accept a lot of statist nonsense. I thought some "laws" were good and necessary. I thought some cops were probably decent people. I figured licenses and permits had their place, and I wondered whether guns should be more tightly controlled. All that sort of thing.

But I was never really a fan of The State. I always felt it was over-rated, and not quite as represented.

Then I grew up and started seeing that the situation was a lot worse than I had suspected. And it's a process which continues to this day.

So I went from a lukewarm statist to... whatever I am now. Not as dramatic as if I had been an enthusiastic supporter of taxation, laws, and other forms of molestation before I wised up. But, wherever I started, I'm glad I'm where I am now, and I'm glad for the direction I'm headed. Dramatic or not.

And, just like mine, your story is good enough. Just keep moving consistently in the right direction.


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This is friend. Each one has his own story, although it is often difficult to tell because it is so long and with so many crossroads that one gets lost in that story.

Thsnks for sharing mr @dullhawk

It isn't where you came from, its where you're going that counts....
Great motivated content...Thanks again @dullhawk

When I was younger, I thought being a good little statist was necessary to be a good member of society, and I did try. I worshipped the magic skycloth, I venerated the government offices and their occupants, I respected the enforcers of government edicts, and I fervently believed the government was inherently good and just even if the men who held office occasionally were not. I even joined the Young Marines because I thought the military defended my freedom.

But all along, I had just enough nagging doubts to keep me from going all-in on The State. So I don't have a Come-To-Anarchy moment like some soldiers who came back from combat tours to realize what kind of a clusterfuck foreign policy is, for example.

I guess you were a little deeper than I was. When we prayed to Holy Pole Quilt in school, I never liked it. It seemed creepy to me, and I faked it or made up my own words most of the time. But they only did that to us a couple of years (I moved around a lot).

Probably my awakening began when I was 10 or so and told my parents I just wanted to make enough money to buy some land in the middle of nowhere and live there for the rest of my life. They informed me about property taxes and asked how I was going to keep the land without money. I KNEW ransoming property that had been bought and paid for was wrong, and that thought kept eating away at my belief in government until I just lost all belief in its legitimacy whatsoever.

I generally kept that opinion to myself until I watched the Butchers of Waco murdering people on live TV. After that I couldn't keep quiet.

I was gullible.

Did you know that "gullible" rhymes with "orange" if you say it slowly enough?

LOL. At least you didn't try one of the "Did you know your penis is the same circumference as ...?" gullibility traps.

Best blog that i have ever read thanks a lot for sharing sir.

I too love Dramatic Conversion Story a lot sir.

Thanks for share your liberty related post and some conversation about this.

good work sir. i always connect with you.

we are preffer to dramatic and imaginary story always, but realastic is very hard when the plot includes weapon and gun!

Amazing blog post sir, Amen.

This is what we need to look out for sir.

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