"Tax debt"

in #liberty6 years ago


There's no more ridiculous a phrase than "tax debt".

You can no more have a "tax debt" than you can be in debt to a mugger who didn't get all the money he wanted from you during the mugging.

Or in debt to a rapist who didn't get to violently dominate you exactly as he wished.

Or in debt to a disappointed would-be murderer because you didn't die after he stabbed you 37 times. You don't owe him your life.

You are not in debt to any archator who didn't get all he wanted from you. To claim otherwise is insane.

"Taxation" IS theft! Even if you don't like hearing it and don't want to admit it. The only debt involved in "taxation" is owed by those who "tax", not by their victims.

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I think the biggest debt of all is the karmic debt our society has accrued by being immoral trash and that our government has accrued by murdering innocent people all across the globe for various reasons. Those of us that participate in this as well as allow it to continue will incur this debt, I can only hope that the ones that speak, fight and withdraw their consent from this government, system and society might be spared.

I "allow it to continue" only in that I don't nuke DC. That's the most they'll get from me. LOL

LOL well I am sure there are a lot of people in the world that wouldn't be sad to see so much scum get wiped out at once, but as we both know that they are not necessarily the problem. I see them as only the symptom... it is our dumbed down, drooling from the mouth, TV watching, entirely apathetic public who condones and even wants these people in charge. If enough people wanted our situation to change, it would change. Sadly as an aggregate, we do not want things to change so we are getting exactly what we want.

"You owe us money!"


"Because we say so!"


"Pay or we hurt you!"

Extortion is extortion, whether it's the Infernal* Revenue Service of the government or a mafia racketeer. The former represents and serves us no more than the latter.

*I spelled it that way on purpose.

"Service". LOL!
Yeah, I know how cows get serviced by bulls. I don't want to be serviced!

If people cannot see the logical argument of tax being theft...

then you know you have 'stockholm syndromers' in your midst.

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