Taking statists seriously

in #liberty6 years ago


I know I shouldn't be mean to statists. I shouldn't ridicule them or point out that they are no better than molesters. Even though it's true.

That's not how you get people to listen and (possibly) change. This knowledge requires a change in me. And that change is hard and unpleasant and unnatural.

Statism-- the belief that governing others is a legitimate human endeavor-- is ripe for ridicule. This notion that people can't be trusted to run their own lives, so we need to have some (who can magically be trusted; going against the original assumption) with power to run the lives of others is a demonstrable mess. It makes no sense. It is internally inconsistent. It doesn't work in the real world, with real people in real situations.

It's hard to not be mean to people who advocate something so stupid. It's hard to not point out how they promote evil acts. It's hard to not compare them to others who believed similar things with similar results.

I know I shouldn't, but it's not likely I'll stop. Too many people treat them with unearned respect and act as though they are actually contributing something to the human conversation. There needs to be another side to it. Someone needs to be pointing and laughing at their nonsense.

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Dissent is treason, not a point of discussion to explore ideas. That makes you the bad guy when you don't toe the line, because it's heretical speech against the religion of the State.

I'm an atheist, so their religion doesn't sway me. ;)

I totally agree with my friend 👏

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