Taking Independence Day seriously

in #liberty7 years ago

Independence Day is one of the saddest "holidays" there is. It was a missed opportunity, which has mutated into the opposite of its original intent.

I can either ignore the day, or be sad.

So I generally try to ignore it as much as possible. I especially ignore the wargasms that seem to be the order of the day. Celebrating the State's Holy Pole Quilt, its military stormtroopers, and even the newer trend of worshiping cops (as the most ubiquitous evil hitmen of the State), on this day that started as a giant "digitus impudicus" to the archators of the State. All sickening anti-liberty rituals, symbols, and goons. Keep it away from me.

Yet, it wouldn't be so bad if not for the overwhelming numbers of insane fans celebrating the bad guys.

The only thing that really makes government worse than any other gang of nasty thieving, raping, murdering, kidnapping bullies is the support of its fans.

You don't generally see other gangs with droves of fans, seeking ways to excuse the gang members' behavior. Pretty much only government's fans do this. And, that's why it is so important to speak out and tell the unvarnished truth about this disgusting gang of archators and parasites.

If you really valued independence, you wouldn't fly the gang colors on Independence Day. Instead you would demand independence from all such gangs. You wouldn't pledge allegiance to any gang, nor to any gang's Holy Pole Quilt. You would reject such things as the fawning behavior of a slave. You wouldn't celebrate or grovel to thank the government's military; you would see them for what they are: the stormtroopers of Empire, working to spread the gang's influence over the globe through aggression and theft. They are NOT on the side of freedom or liberty, but are diseased carriers of slavery and oppression.

Be independent. Reject the narrative and celebrate REAL independence. Today and every day. Independence from slavery and the gang which seeks to enslave you and everyone you love. They need you; you definitely don't need them. Live that truth.



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I'm with you entirely...

Sad, indeed...

However, I can't help but watch and enjoy the fireworks...
I try to dissociate that guilty pleasure from the occasion.



I've never been a huge fan of fireworks-- I'd prefer celebrating with gunfire. But, I will take my daughter to a fireworks display and just plug my ears (against the explosions and the "patriotic" military music).

less than 35% of colonist fought for Independence....
some majority ...
don't get me started! :-/
wish I was allowed to light off fireworks,but thats not included in my freedom!
may the 4th be w/ EWE!

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