Statism's made-up concepts, words, and delusions

in #liberty7 years ago

Most "crimes" aren't wrong. They certainly aren't unethical, and are probably not immoral, unless the State's opinion colors your morality-- in which case your "morality" is less than worthless to me.

Most "crimes" are actually just testimony to the fact that your society permits too much government.

Things such as "smuggling", "money laundering", "drug dealing", "speeding", "truancy", "tax evasion", doing things without a "license" or "permit", "resisting arrest", and a host of other "crimes" can't possibly be wrong.

In fact, as you may notice, the believers in government had to make up words to make the acts sound different from what they really are, just so they could declare them "crimes" and initiate force against (or steal from) those they catch doing them.

In the same way, they had to make up words like "arrest", "fine", "execution", "eminent domain", among countless others, to hide the actual wrongs they commit behind these misleading words.

(Those who complain that I make up words and definitions seem to give the Church of State a pass for doing the same thing, but they do so in order to hide the truth from scrutiny rather than to open it to the light of day for all to see.)

You can't remain ethical and be "law abiding". It's simply not possible. Not even if it were possible to simply be "law abiding", which it isn't. Too many "laws" are contradictory, and you don't know what all the "laws" are-- no one does. Or can.

Once you see the acts on both sides for what they are, and stop seeing them through the dark lens of statism, you'll start losing your religion-- at least you will if you were previously a believer in government.

You'll no longer be automatically suspicious of those targeted by "laws". You'll stop believing that if a person has been arrested they must have done something wrong. You'll stop automatically believing that prison inmates deserve whatever they get.

You'll also stop being able to honor or support those who prop up the State with their acts of archation on its behalf. You'll stop seeing cops and politicians as "good guys" or role models. You certainly won't want to see loved ones taking this path.

This won't win you friends. But the few new friends you find, and the few old friends you manage to keep, will be higher quality than those you lose.

For me, it has been worth it. You'll have to decide for yourself whether it is worth it for you.

I don't accept the State's definitions, concepts, made-up words, or delusions. I don't believe in its "goodness" or "necessity". I'm an ethical outlaw. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm nowhere near this noble


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Why haven't I found you before?

Never mind, I've found you now... upvoted and following.

Preach it! :D



If the friendship required that I be wrong, or silent, then it wasn't I who ended it.

I like your post, but can you elaborate on this statement?

You can't remain ethical and be "law abiding". It's simply not possible.

How does not breaking the speed limit and paying your taxes (for an example) make a person unethical.

I understand that it would be unethical to follow a law that was itself unethical.

If those "laws" were the only ones, they wouldn't necessarily make a person unethical... although "taxes" are a little iffy in that regard. It is certainly ethical to avoid paying "taxes", just like it is ethical to hide money in your shoe and not volunteer to hand it to a mugger. That stolen money, "taxation", finances a lot of really unethical things, and I realize most people pay to avoid being molested by government employees (also financed by that stolen money), but your conscience would be more clear, in an ethical sense, if you didn't contribute toward those things. Or, if you contributed only what you were forced to, and hid the rest. Starve the Beast.

"Laws" demand that you report "crimes" you see occur. When those "crimes" aren't wrong acts (which would be the case with almost every "crime" you witness, unless you are really unlucky), if you obey the "law" and report them, you aren't being ethical. You are helping the State violate an innocent person.

But the main point is that it is impossible for anyone to be completely "law abiding", and that is why being ethical should be your focus instead. Do the right thing and don't worry about the "law" too much.

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