Socialistic Theocratic StatismsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #liberty7 years ago


All statism is socialism. The only disagreement among the socialists is how to impose socialism on each other, and on the few of us who aren't socialists.

Also, all governments are theocracies. They only differ in which specific god they want controlling you. Some want Jehovah. Some want Allah. Some want the god of government-- they may call it "democracy", or "the republic", "the Constitution", or some other name. But it's still their god, and they want it to rule YOUR life.

I reject imposed socialism and all theocracy. You do what you want, but keep your filthy government off my life.


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Enough! G*vernments are respectable institutions which only have the best interest of the people in mind. Without them it would be a mess. We enjoy prosperity, freedom and peace around the planet, OK? Goodness me!


or to put it another way
MORE government size, power and control (of your life)
or less..

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