Run all you want

in #liberty7 years ago

Telling kids "Don't run!" is a waste of breath, and causes frustration for everyone.

I understand the reasons for it, but I also see that it is completely pointless, and probably counter-productive.

Running is how kids naturally and normally move from place to place. It just is. You aren't going to change that with rules. Nor should you.

Instead, let them run. In the process, maybe they'll learn to watch where they are going and how to not fall. Or learn how to fall well, and bounce back up. There will be bumps and bruises, and maybe knocked-out teeth and concussions. The alternative is probably worse in the long run.

It's the same with adults. Let them take risks, make mistakes, and fail. How else will they ever learn? The State and all it's "laws"-- imposing someone's ideas about "safety"-- are making people pitiful, delicate, and inept. It's going to hurt when that bandaid gets ripped off... and it WILL get ripped off sooner or later. The longer the delay, the more it will hurt, and the more who will not survive.

Yet, this is someone's idea of "safety"? You aren't protecting. You aren't helping.

Might as well say "No breathing"


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It's the same with adults. Let them take risks, make mistakes, and fail. How else will they ever learn? The State and all it's "laws"-- imposing someone's ideas about "safety"-- are making people pitiful, delicate, and inept. It's going to hurt when that bandaid gets ripped off... and it WILL get ripped off sooner or later. The longer the delay, the more it will hurt, and the more who will not survive.

Not everyone can appreciate freedom, and the responsibility and ownership it comes with. Some are desperately in need of a gang to archate on their behalf, and at the same time call it a "working" system.

Yeah, that guy is sort of pitiful. To imagine he can't take care of himself, but needs you to fund a gang to protect him, is really sad.

First he applauds german society for how great the cops are and how safe everything is, then he tells me that we need a society that doesn't have the temptation to steal or hurt one another, he see that as what a fucked up society has, but those things will happen regardless of society.

He like many other believe that a system will help or alleviate such things, just like he believes that benevolent leaders exist without explicit and informed consent.

Positions of power and authority's effect on people has been studied and demonstrated it's conclusion of rewiring the brain for getting it's feel good rewards from holding on such power/authority and imposing/wielding it and not from being honest and not through the acceptance and approval of others, but from lying, manipulating and "getting over" on others, and not from being fair or impartial and reserved, but from abusing and expanding the power.. and he believes of course like most that hardly question such things, that he would make a great king/leader.

I agree, we should just let them run. I'm a kindergarten teacher, and all day I'm yelling at my kids to "walk." Not because I don't want them to run, but because I don't want them to get hurt. As you pointed out, maybe if they run and get hurt then they will learn important life lessons. After all, we humans do learn by doing. However, you try telling a parent why their little angel comes home from school with bruises. "He was running." And what do you think the response of the parent will be? "Well he was under YOUR care when it happened. How could you be so irresponsible. How can I bring my child to school if I know he won't be well cared for??" So there is the dilemma I have about letting my students run. Running is not the problem. Over protective parents are the problem. Kids will be kids after all. But in this day and age, am I willing to put myself on the line? Not just yet. Kids can run at home all they want...but in my classroom, please walk :)

There is no dilemma because you are responsible over the kids to a certain extent so if someone has an accident it doesn't automatically fall as your fault and if they parents don't want to understand that or expect unreasonable things out of you why should you continue that relationship and how, outside lying/manipulating to, and compromising with, unreasonable people?

The kid didn't trip because you didn't tell him not to run, just like you don't need to tell a kid not to hurt another, or not to take a dump in the middle of the class, or whatever other things that kids do on the regular regardless of what they're told or know, the kid tripped in spite of what he's been told and probably because such accidents happen even when walking and are unavoidable. But, should the parents ask: "How can I bring my child to school if he won't be well cared for??" why shouldn't you tell them that if they think their child is not well cared for they can take him out, because your job is to teach kids, not keep your classroom full of kids at the cost of compromising yourself to appease unreasonable parents, because not everyone will automatically blame you, and accuse you of incompetence, and why would you want to appease or validate their claims against you, especially since they are unreasonable in their scope of responsibility and undermining of your abilities to impose your will onto their kids, as if that is even a fault.

Thank you :)...and that's all very true. Of course its not my fault if a kid trips regardless of what I've told them. But unreasonable parents are every where.
Especially where I work in Asia. School is a business here. And the school would much rather keep the business of an angry paying parent than keep a teacher who did nothing wrong. Its just the sad reality of things.

Well then did you stop to consider if education for profit is what you want to be part of?

The parents should have been allowed to grow up, so they wouldn't be such delicate flowers.

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