Letting government control yousteemCreated with Sketch.

in #liberty7 years ago


If I want to do something, I don't stop just because government decides to mandate it.

For example, I want to wear a seat belt when in a vehicle. I did so long before it became "the law". I didn't stop wearing one when government made it a "crime" to neglect to wear one.

I understand physics. I want to reduce my chances of injury in case of a wreck. I am not under any delusion that a seat belt guarantees anything-- Cheyenne was wearing a seat belt and it didn't help.

But, I know the risks both ways, and that's my choice. I wouldn't dream of forcing my choice on you (but if you are riding in my vehicle, I will ask you to put on the seat belt, and I may choose to not drive you if you won't).

I don't support using "laws" against you if you make a different choice, and I understand that cops who make "traffic stops" based on seat belt use are nothing but bullies and thieves. Maybe worse.

In other cases I haven't stopped doing some things just because government decided to forbid them. And I haven't started doing things just because government forbids them, either. There are a few things I have chosen to do after government made them mandatory, just to avoid being murdered, not because I agree. I wish I didn't think this is necessary, but in a few cases, I do.

Mandatory or forbidden, government's opinion on matters is generally irrelevant to me.

If you change your behavior just because of government or its "laws", you are letting them control you no matter which way you go. If that's your choice, at least recognize it.


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gubment is stupid.
when seat belts were mandated the 'accident' rate went UP.

I'm sure pedestrians suffered too.

why would you say that? What has seat belt wear have to do with pedestrians?
Years later cell phones became a thang...THEN pedestrians suffered.

Driver's feel more secure, take more risks, hit more pedestrians.
Imagine if the seatbelts were all pulled, and each steering wheel had a big steel spike welded in the centre.
Pedestrian and passenger injuries would plummet.

to prevent traffic accidents.
put an icepick on the hornbutton
point up
facing the driver.
I was an Over the Road Trucker for a quarter century
You'll have to get up REALLY early in the morning to tell me something
I haven't seen on the highway.
Most people are idiots..they CAN not drive.
it doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy
to know that those same people


Well people might hit the gas and run some pedestrians over to prevent hitting the ice pick someone once said to me, when I made the same argument. I think she had a point there. :)

after a severe jolt many seatbelts won't release...so you burn to death in the ensuing car fire...if the exploding airbag hasn't kilt you first.

if neither of those eventualities occur...the electric doorlocks..are just sitting there.
not opening..

One of my earliest pieces touched on car design and the law.
It's a fascinating topic.

anything that the guberment involves itself in is inferior and costs more.

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