'Deep state' isn't what you think

in #liberty5 years ago

(My Eastern New Mexico News column from January 23, 2019- posted in its entirety now that the paper's exclusivity has expired)


You've probably been hearing about the "deep state" recently, with some pundits saying it's a danger and others saying it doesn't even exist.

It's real, but it's not the conspiracy theory some would have you believe. Its reality shouldn't be controversial; it's there for everyone to see and experience.

The "deep state" is, in simple terms, the government bureaucracy. It is all those parts of government which don't change from one presidential administration to the next.

When presidents change, the new president hires new people to run the various government agencies, but most employees in the massive agency keep their job. The new boss depends on the experience of those who have been in the job through multiple administrations to keep things running.

Since their jobs are safe they get entrenched, and in some positions, feel invulnerable because of their experience and years in the job. When no one else even understands or knows for sure what they do, how can they be replaced?

Thus, you have a "deep state".

Some people want to turn this recognition of reality into evidence of paranoia.

Sure, when you involve powerful agencies such as the CIA and FBI, opportunities for abuse are probably irresistible. It's likely that some will come to see themselves as the real power behind the scenes and see the elected officials as figureheads to be tolerated as long as they don't upset the status quo too much. Some of them undoubtedly act on this power.

Scenarios of "deep state" presidential assassinations and other undemocratic schemes are thrilling, but the majority of the damage is done to your liberty by the everyday governing which goes on openly, in front of microphones and cameras.

The state, both deep and broad, has been tightening the noose around the necks of Americans almost from the beginning.

The state has been preventing the people from choosing to uncouple from an out-of-control federal government since Mr. Lincoln's war to repeal the Declaration of Independence. It has been violating the Second Amendment since at least 1934. The state keeps the tax records which are used to entrap and enslave the people. It steals, compiles, and stores your private data. All in the name of governing you.

Yet people worry about what the mysterious parts of "deep state" might do to other parts of this enemy organization? This seems like displaced concern to me.

Added: Someone commented that I missed the fact that the Deep State is the "unelected" and the military, but the military heads aren't elected and what is more pointlessly fossilized and bureaucratic than the military? I stand by my assessment.

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Well pointed out, sir!
People get caught up in the hype and sensationalism of 'deep state' , rather than the creeping cancer...

The term "Deep State" is exactly what you described here, and I think that we have evidence that it 100% exists.

In my opinion, the government that we see ruling us is the government that we are allowed to be mad at and have grievances with. I think that there is always the "optics" of what happens on the surface and what is portrayed to the public as well as a hidden hand beneath that handles the hidden ulterior motives.

Both probably involve the same people, (just like two sides of the same coin) between the public perception and reality. We see this same concept to a lesser / more obvious degree when we want a countries resources and we go there and say to the public that we want to go there to spread "democracy".

If something is operating in parallel to our government or above the government, none of us would have any idea because that would only be privy to very select few and doubt they would take any chances with common jackasses.

I agree that we have a big enough cancerous parasite right in front of us sucking us dry that we need to take action on to render it toothless.

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