Charity, not theft and slaverysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #liberty7 years ago

(A new post at Dispatches From Libertopia)


It's hard to imagine, but I've read that back during the barbaric era of government, people in need actually relied on government to steal money to pay for the things they needed, or to force people to provide those things at their own expense against their will! Food, housing, and medical care were considered to be legitimate reasons to steal and enslave!

I can't even wrap my head around something so awful!

I suppose when the people have so much of their money stolen in order to support governments, it makes sense that they'd be too broke to be able to afford such basic things, or to be able to support charities to help others. And, if the people already put up with the theft and aggression inherent in government, it's not much of a stretch to push it to the limit.

I can barely imagine the dependency that "system" created in its victims.

The price in self respect and dignity must have been enormous, not to mention the feeling of being at the mercy of bureaucrats and their whims. Who would have wanted to subject needy people to that?

Fortunately, now everything is so much more affordable without governments meddling and stealing, and people have plenty of money to contribute to charities. It's better all around.

It's natural that I want my neighbors to be healthy. Who wants to be surrounded by sickness and injured people who can't get the care they need? Or people so hungry they can't function, and who think about stealing to feed their kids? I guess this means charity is selfish, in a way. It's still better than the alternative.

Whatever the reason, I'm willing to help support the charity fund at my favorite healer's practice. In the same way, I help support food banks and I give away produce from my garden to people I suspect might need help. And such is the case with the vast majority of the population. It's the right thing to do, it is civilized, and it is also self defensive in some ways.

And if someone doesn't feel they can afford to help, or just doesn't want to for some reason, that's their business, not mine. At least if they keep their own money they are less likely to seek charity for their basic needs. It's a win-win, as are all expressions of the economic means.


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I can't afford to pay $800 for a bag of saline solution; that's why we need government to regulate and provide healthcare.

Yeah, except it's not Government, except it's a Corporation offering Government Services, a matter between a Private Business and a Public oath of office which inherently never extended over making laws or regulating things and it is counter to infringing on Free Trade which they are to Protect and Expedite, not Impede or TAX.

To think of the communities that could prosper if the working class had the ability to contribute directly to them. The idea of real independence and thriving communities would be an absolute calamity for our governments.

Leaving intact the tools and network for the people to do as they must was one of their greatest threats. No small wonder it's mostly gone.

The network for the people to do as they must is mostly gone?

Welcome to the internet, circa 1987?

It's hard to imagine, but I've read that back during the barbaric era of government, people in need actually relied on government to steal money to pay for the things they needed, or to force people to provide those things at their own expense against their will! Food, housing, and medical care were considered to be legitimate reasons to steal and enslave!

Government have been many a kind, this hardly has any specificity or particularity in that regard, and where and when and who, all unanswered and undefined making this assertion only an assertion.

I can't even wrap my head around something so awful!

This should be some kind of clue because if you cannot sympathize with what could have very well been your ancestors on matter of Morality, of Justice and it's scathingly obvious when one marginalizes their ancestors efforts by such assertive diminutive and general remarks on these matters.

Fortunately, now everything is so much more affordable without governments meddling and stealing, and people have plenty of money to contribute to charities. It's better all around.

Except that for 150 years the Federal government service Corporation Inc masking itself as Government unincorporated has been giving itself Emergency Powers and been at war with Americans and their Government, while for the last part of the 20th century the majority of Local County and State Government was enticed to Incorporate as well and we have been left since then without any form of Lawful Government. Despite that as the author remarks, everything is more affordable. The real meddling has been the usurpation of our Government By the Rothschild Controlled Banks, ever since our inception with the First National Bank which quickly Bankrupted, and the Second National Bank who also Bankrupted, the Fed who also Bankrupted, in turn trying to claim bankruptcy protection for themselves and leaving us to pay their odious debts. That's the kind of meddling that amounts to Real Crime and Real Criminals and not "Aggressors" and "Archators" because the Government, the Public Office cannot be Blamed for the Acts of the Individual Acting OUTSIDE the aims and limits of the Oath they swore. Our Government is one of Consent of the Govern, and all the power rests WITH the People, as it's all vested From the people, and anything Against the people cannot be The People but "The Individual, man, acting outside the scope and boundaries of their job description". If I hire someone to landscape I cannot blame Job of Landscaping for them stealing from me, kidnapping me.

It's not "The Constitution" that gives Powers to Government, it's People, and it's People who take power away, and it's also people who Fall Asleep at the Wheel of the "For the People [of the people, By the people]" ship. Equally it's people that err and the responsibility is with the individual not with the role.
After all society is built on Trust and People's Words, and they are mutually entwined, we have figured out what Law is and what Law isn't for a LONG time, and we haven't Forgot Reason or Morality as they are equally mutually entwined, or rediscovered it, but we have refined it, we have gotten close to what's humanly possible in terms of government, and it's all on the basis of Self Governance, wholly undoubtedly and unequivocally Self Rule.

It's a win-win, as are all expressions of the economic means.

What conversation is there to be had about Economics if it's not about the fact that what we have for money is nothing more and exactly only IOU Notes.

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